Reverses Climate Change Warlords World Wide FOREVER ! !
Finally stabilizes our free complete water $ worldwide systems. MountainPower.ORG is
#1 top World Scientist Philanthropist Keith Duncan. Call direct +1 770-377-2106 Combo is Total Global of GODs Duncan BidOnKeith +1 770-377-2106 Atlanta USA
Now All 100% Green Ecology +Mining, 100% unlimited free Hydro Cold Water Turbine electricity and unlimited stored safe water. No more flooding or stock market crime $$$ disasters. Everyone benefits with mega Trillions of $$$ cascading value profits using Keith + GODs simple methods that was recreated 1976 to present as top energy conservationist of all time based only on the Intellectual Property value worth Mega Trillions of Global Prime requirement is delivery NOW to International Press and World Leaders HOSTING Press Conferences announce WE the People now own + control everything
Was Integrity count 1413 at SW. Now +1240 March 3, 2025. is our only universal technology patent education solutions to be totally energy independent of all the financial warlords and cyber criminals who all roam freely because of only EVERYONE of YOU. Protect today!
All part of GOD + Duncans Now +8.2 Billion WE GODs Children ctronl and manage all of motherEarth resources and assets use of EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE procreating worlds last crime free debt free utopia
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to protect life today after he alone was almost silenced by USA GOV and cyber criminal terrorists Jan 15, 2008 Robert DEE ROSE at 22-1-3042-68 $500 Million USD restitution seed fund class action lawsuits that everyone in Georgia, NC, and world refuse to sign acknowledge as WHAT happens to KEITH destroys our own world. Recent broadcast by other is:
now replaced by only Keiths of forever. Updated 2024 Nov 26. included. Update Dec 5, 2024 was always the worlds #1 greatest pure Ecologist Scientist of all GODs MotherEarth post 1976 NCSU. No other person or entity has ever perfected a complete self contained energy solution of only and SolutionSafeWater Terrawatts of free electricity and total world watershed re-management. HE also procreates worlds last millions of new villages of 100% green self sufficient corporate townships of FutureCity.LIFE when WE GODs PEOPLE control all of Mother Earth resources for ever design architect rapid deployed by only and each of YOU !
Pumped Storage now fully replaced by only GOD + Keiths methods. now powers our free world by destroying the LUCIFERS who control our military forever. Once each of our communities has free communication, free energy Water Turbines, and thousands of small nuclear reacotrs located inside shielded isolated inside our tallest mountain ranges, no criminal terrorist can survive being openly exposed by our GODs FOIA.ONE open public one way database of who is who, WHO owns what, WHO trades what with everyone else. is GODs prime method of full scale free energy AND Water forever. unifies +8 Billion WE GODs people as 100% energy independent. We the People worldwide now fully control and own All of watershed management systems as depicted by USA Maps below. Includes All mountain ranges worldwide for ever.
Easy for all to understand THIS destroys the NWO energy warlords and banksters once WE GODs people decide everything about everyone else regardless of WHO thinks they own control MotherEarth our natural and physical all resources. Clearly Keith was sent by GOD to unify all +8.1 billion WE GODs children use of fundamental 1976 is as and your only best world wide methods of protecting our assets, investment principles and growth all dividends. As of year 2023, 98% of all paper based statement investments are cyber crime MLM Ponzi commodity reactive schemes promising just Trust THEM capitalized 6660 years ago by false God Lucifer Pharaoh first families. Call DrKEITH.ORG direct at our 4 office numbers shown above.
We were always the wealthiest person entity in World history spanning 65 years of the most prolific solving all problems known to man by orders of GOD and the rare few super intelligent souls who actually understand WHO is GOD as well as WHO each of YOU are internally known as the greatest philosophers of all time.
Currently 2024 Feb 23, we are totally persecuted, impoverished, even threatened daily because of initially ONE super criminal terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE who conspired Jan 15, 2008 to kill us, our families, our lawyers, literally anyone who has 22-1-3042-68. All most practically relevant and most profitable for keith and you once EVERYONE actually directly supports and protects us by COMMANDING all world violating criminals be rounded up and purged from our no crime society
WHO DO YOU KNOW to directly FIND keith and protect our lives today while USING our gifted solutions to unify +8 Billion of WE GODS children forever use of We have no other solutions left to gift broadcast.

Never in the history of man has a single person/entity/group of true leaaders ever UNIFIED humanity use of most simple GODs Only Keith Brent Duncan has already reversed the course of LUCIFER history as #1 most humble wealthy inventor scientist gifting philanthropist(s) of all time.
Entire WORLD MUST go only Cold Water Turbine Electricity AND NOW as in TODAY ! ! !
Gods LEGACY history will always show this is the ONLY way to totally eliminate all LUCIFER energy WarLords. Sept 10, 2023. Total complete perfected economic energy replacement systems are now fully direct funded thousands of new cold water H20 Turbines located in all mountain ranges worldwide. used to excavate 100% green ecology Mining tunnels and Caverns, then to extract all new world materials used to build GODs utopia of Simple use of store and forward the most massive energy conservation watershed RE-management system reverses all man made energy financial wars conducted by named Corporate Executives and Board of Trustee Directors of the Military Industrial complex system and all of WALL STREET Brokers once keiths simple method of rewrites all corporation bylaws to protect the investments and work effort ASSETS of ALL WE GODs people forever. Also means NO MORE UNIONS once all of OUR assets are ONLY Credit Union Banks like and ONLY privately held producer Corporations worldwide. NO MORE public traded anything.
NO MORE FLOODS ever again anywhere ! The most prolific inventor scientist front liner research development engineer angel guardian Philanthropist groups Mega Billionaires were always led by most humble Keith brent duncan, born High Point NC IID 1-19580815-1 (integrity evote +100%), then NCSU Raleigh NC USA Aug 15, 1976 to Dec 15, 1981, then Atlanta 1982, Charlotte NC 1989, Birmingham AL 1992, Atlanta 1996, then China 2015, Hong Kong, Philippines 2015-2021, now back in Atlanta GA and Asheville NC to boot strap launch world overseers of was GODs only simple engineering systems to build water infrastructure ONCE to beneift all humanity at all levels worldwide. Never been done before because named Corporate Executives and Politicians WANT wars, mass poverty, and slave traded minions known as walking dead zombie factory workers and service industry warehoused slaves. is only method of 100% all green Ecology mining to eliminate all STRIP MINING and reduce all need for fossil fuel to near zero exception is General Aviation of and
Aug 29. 2022 Current focus is immediate civilian, military, DOJ arrests of super terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, now cyber helper Tom Haag at Las Vegas +1 702-248-1260, Ukrainian criminal addict Dennis Chernonog was 405 Roswell Hills Place, Roswell GA was cell (470)929-5498 by any FBI or COURT JUDGE order to recover Keith and your trillions of USD pirated wealth and actually command our leaders to complete peacemaking at all levels forever. Includes protecting the life of Keith Brent Duncan by calling us directly and putting us all on National NEWS to personally answer any question about HOW millions of scammers, criminals and terrorists all roam freely by persecuting and murdering their very own victims using our and GODs resources. Since no one actually ENFORCES any Constitutional or Statutory laws, KEITH personally sent by GOD just rewrote simplified all aspect laws of GODS chosen people forever by mass publicity of to change the course of all human legacy intrinsic persistent history forever.
CALL US directly right now. Ask all top FBI, AG, DOJ DOD, PRESS and Corporate Executives to DO THE SAME SANE Action. We are the ONLY living mortals who have NO=ZERO fear of THEM (the Criminal ruling Elites).
We were always DUE National News Press Conferences host mediated BY our very top Corporate And official leaders starting back in summer 2008 is now GOD + Duncan + your only methods to power our world free of all fossil fuel wars forever. As of May 22, 2022, not a single 'DAMmed' SOUL has supported or protected the #1 all ECO GREEN frontliner scientist inventor procreator of your new crime free society royalty all driven by 4 simple new world replacement constitutional laws of shown at Most humble #1 world expert R&D broadcaster keith brent duncan is #1 celebrity of all time showcasing how you GODs people are now 100% free sovereign citizens of decentralized your communities use of town hall forums when each of you share GODs resources with those in greatest needs. Includes unification of all spiritual orders by destroying the religious zealots and PolyTICKS who think they make all decisions to benefit only themselves.
Call us NOW at 770-377-2106 and command any leader who refuses to serve and protect be DAMN exiled and forced out of ALL OUR Governments and OUR corporations forever. now powers our free world by destroying the LUCIFERS who control our military forever. Once each of our communities has free communication, free energy Water Turbines, and thousands of small nuclear reacotrs located inside shielded isolated inside our tallest mountain ranges, no criminal terrorist can survive being openly exposed by our GODs FOIA.ONE open public one way database of who is who, WHO owns what, WHO trades what with everyone else. REVERSES all water world issues once and forever use of EVOTE.ONE and ALL world poverty and wars are caused by Mortal Criminals who are now forced out of hiding into PRISON and death row use of WE now harness using Keiths ancient technology GODs most powerful renewable BATTERY storage system of WATER now stored as huge water tank farms INSIDE our world mountain ranges. Now we use easy to build Water driven scalable turbines to power our own human race. No more Power Company Executives who have criminally monopolized production distribution of OUR electricity required to PRO Create with full focus on 1st Major world Project of that KEITH will personally direct fund all expenses and order management so not a dollar or LiberateFilipinos.Space peso wasted by fraud anyone.
Moving Billions of Gods people out of all FLOOD PLAINS is direct funded by MegaTrillionaire Keith Brent Duncans groups of GivingPledge.SPACE all the BILLIONAIRES and MegaMillionaires now cooperative collectively SHARE their family dynasty fortunes to SOLVE absolutely basic issues of WHO causes mass poverty and predatory GREED collapse of GODS earth includes themselves.
Migration of all mega coastal poverty striken cities to our Piedmonts and Mountains was always easy use of Evote.ONE procreated by Keith Brent Duncan back in year 1976 NCSU Raleigh NC USA. Since everyone is all so focused on WHO controls our assets, easy to see WE GODS people now stage coups worldwide to destroy the Criminal Networks by using OUR law enforcemtn and under full civilian control of WE the PEOPLE at all levels to literally destroy/exile/execute any person who wages war against those of us who actually WORK for GOD by waging Spiritual Warfare of
known collectively as led by #1 most wealthy Keith Brent Duncan and each of you known as peer to peer.
Easy to use contour plowing, berms, and other ways to STOP all RIVER Flash FLOODS once and forever worldwide. This reverses all CLIMATE CHANGE use of all from GOD sent Keith Brent DUNCAN. Right VIDEO below is also GOD sent describing how PERMACulture experts like Bill Mollison,
TRUE REALITY, Keith Brent Duncan returns back to HEAVEN very soon, unable to find ANY honest person to PROTECT his RIGHTs and YOUR rights since Criminal Terorrists have already controlled ALL our marketplacers and databases some 40 years ago.
Dec 20, 2021 as NO one ever protects Victims of Organized Criminals or our top world scientist Prophets with Keith at the very top. reverses both Mass Poverty and Climate Change simple use of GODs re-management of watersheds at point of original issue. NO ONE but Keith sent by GOD has provided all answer methods engineered to eliminate the worst criminals from NWO LUCIFER agenda simple deployment of EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE that focuses each of you on SOLVE YOUR OWN LOCAL any issue.
Oct 12, 2021 left behind also. Design of SPONGE cities wetlands to absorb heavy rainfall so flooding mostly prevented. TRUE and ONLY prevention is below on how to release massive tanks before rain, stop rivers during rainfall, and store the most massive energy at highest mountain areas for on demand supply of unlimited Terrawatts of collective energy electricity through scalable turnbines like WawaLake.ORg north east of Manila at RIZAL. Eliminates all foreign investors once and forever per prophecyes.
PLEASE immediately CALL contact visit Keith Duncan on that truly solves ALL energy and water issues worldwide at ONE time use of EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE as showcases HOW to reduce all electricity usage by 30% with and creating direct funding for to procreate GODs new communities of WHY DOES NO ONE actually enforce existing laws? simple: TOO much profit in CRIME PAYS worldwide.. SOlved and prevented forever by Justified and once and forever. is the true answer of world village town hall forums each SUNDAY to decide collectively next best project completion. using and Keith
Hydro Water Turbines will now produce 60 to 100% of all world electricity that is currently shown as 15 TerraWatts. is single universal communications control system of turning off any circuit when not needed. Commercial Buildings at Circuit Breaker Level will now be turned off 30 to 50% of the time. Makes no common sense why any Building or room is powered up when not occupied. Includes street lights and billboards from 11pm to sunrise. Who pays for this ego gluttonous waste of GODs energy? Certainly not the corporate Executives or Government Officials. Always was the local Community residents and consumers. The producers of everything just LOVE the use the LUCIFER agenda of deception claiming GET IT NOW, work harder, pay more taxes, be 100% compliant by following all the laws and rules THEY pass to ensure everyone else is truly robotic incompetent brainless blinded fools of Matthew Chapter 23. The value benefit of all free electricity and water is key to achieving total world decentralized world equality is worlds last 'Tesla Boring Inc' system using lasers powered by same turbines to cut FreeTrains.US tunnels anywereh in world for free electric passenger, freight trains. Also moves water by gravity from one side of rainfall mountains to dryer side. Used for communications and electrical circuit pathways. Now we green 100% eco mine inside and UPwards from these tunnels to extract required iron ore, basic raw materials of rock, concrete, gypsum, raw rare minerals to build owned and managed by each cooperative communities.
Keith is worlds only and TOP most humble expert of all expertise who has shown entire world how to be Peace Makers with use of FOIA.ONE and focus on town hall forums.
The most practical application of GOD and Keiths emerging next generation messaging system is direct eDemocracy when each group decides the next best project and commands the leader be only highly paid consultant project manager who has no power to make laws or embezzle anything. since everyone now knows WHO is WHO, who owns what, Who trades what with who(gps when where) and why. Criminals scream bloody murder their privacy has been invaded since their focus is how to deceive, steal, lie, cover up, and recruit others to expand their spider web criminal netowrk. Disease expands using the same method of JUST SHUT the HELL UP, let someone else deal with the plaque.
WHO do you know to care, love, protect, and act with fearless authority to ensure the rights of all others are enforced and protected.
WHO do you know to contact and escort Keith Duncan to safe haven area so we ALL can now use GOD + keiths methodologies to change the course of all human history once and forever. This is known as intrinsic persistant collective cooperating sharing of all of Gods loaned resources.
This updated Sept 4, 2021 by #1 Man of GOD Duncan who remains 100% forsaken and persecuted by named criminals including a few inside FBI, IRS, AG, maybe a few inside USA Hard to tell, unable to direct access the databases that show ALL and TELL all.
Few if anyone is showcasing HOW to reverse climate change use of multi-level interlinked clustered scalable Hydro Water Turbines built in our piedmont and mountain regions by creating water tank farms INSIDE our mountain ranges using and other simple engineering systems procreated by KEITH and GOD past 63 manyears.
Now easy to use Gods engineered systems to convert all Military Nuclear stockpiles to front liner humanitarian uses by elimination of all the named criminals who control our Banks, stock markets, and Military Industrial complex war WMD industries.

Immediate use of eliminates all FOSSIL FUEL use except for general aviation and Space Travel. Those named criminals and terrorists who control OUR energy reserves, production refineries, shipping industry, distribution channels are now exiled use of at any and all levels. Hydro Turbines built locally and installed inside our huge mountain ranges with reverses mass poverty worldwide by de centralizing WHO controls our banks and stock markets once and forever. is GODs original answer method of town hall forums when YOU Gods people use and open public database FOIA.ONE Intl Headquarters will now be established in every single major city as WE were always GODs overseer and Observer angel guardian Trust Foundation Philanthropists of origination by GODs will and omnipresence. generated by reverses ALL mass POVERTY by providing style free unlimited water and Hydro POWER for our entire world once and forever. accomplish GODs plan at one time. Unlimited Safe H20 stored inside mountains and underground tunnel caverns is easy using what GOD sent Keith alone to publish distribute deploy for mankind, SAND is a great heat storage battery and can also be used at massive levels to store Mega-Terrawatts of thermal energy produced by electric TURBINES on demand during massive rainfall that also stops all rivers using perfected most comprehensive engineered methods in world history.
Last Left Behind GODs answers is this email sent out May 29, 2021 to humanity for OTHERS to complete. | +358 45 7831 5988 | +358 45 7832 8399 | +358 45 7832 8489
We are GUARDIAN ANGEL engineers sent by GOD to leave behind worlds last all free energy system harnessing harvesting GODs rainfall for all uses including exploration of the final frontier of space. Other our Guardian Angels have visited earth over these millenial to teach mankind how to harness technology to advance the human race at key turning points. Reality is your very own technologies have used the new technoogly to genocide any opposition while claiming THEY are GODS. Reality is Keith was sent by GOD to unify mankind one final time. May 29, 2021 and absolutely no one uses common sense to see WHY KEITH is traveling worldwide and soon BACK to heaven for NEXT Gods directed projects.
We (keith) specific #1 engineer scientist inventor Pro Speaker front-liner Saintkeith, ProphetKeith, list is endless, in world history has GIFTED humanity how to POWER everything with calculable scale-able HYDRO POWER turbines built worldwide to harness the biggest metaphysics batteries system in world history. Now we use HYDRO Power to power Lasers and hydro static pumps to eco MINE insides of all mountains and even underground and undersea scalable cluster networked tunnels and caverns to STORE everything underground. We have NO exception or cynic who can DENY this is how to advance the human race void of ALL criminal networks known as Criminal ruling elite. THEY think they control our infrastructure and databases with reality is WE GODs people are the caretakers and caregivers.
The Undertakers in the funeral industry are the GRIM REAPERS who profit in a dying business. slight humor.
The OVERSEERS known as top executive decision makers are now asked to RETIRE as mentors and SPENDERS in our high schools and universities as world foreign Exchange Students/professors/ mentors/ and yes families. #1171 BuiltByKeith reverses all $ energy Wars Ww5 When each of you pagen heathen fools who are inequal mankind deal with your very own crimes sins vices, then you eliminate the root cause of mass poverty that was always your fault. is GODs answer method to empower all shareholders to who ARE the corporate Executive decision makers by treating them all as HIGHLY paid in CASH consultants once and forever. NO more any executive PERKs of deferred compensation, Stock Options, Bonuses, corporate Aircraft, Country Club Memberships, all expenses paid by WriteOff and Set-backs, and reversal acurrals on the secret General Ledger and trading books that are ALSO owned and manage controlled by PUBLIC shareholders and any entity who has education to show WHO are the worst criminals and satanic demonic idiots who think they OWN and control GODs world. GODS wrath has been withheld last few 62 years to educate #1 observer prophet saintKeith who is master of all of GODs expertises. Reality is most of humanity like you live in false reality of
Who is God? Who was Keith. And Who are You? I return to heaven soon as worlds omega trillionaire of intellectual bible fame celebrity status as the money and dominance over any other was never ever my focus my entire life god just asked me to ask world the most critical questions of today and of Summer of 2011 when LUCIFER ANtiChrist ROSE was focusing on total destruction of SAME sane GODs engineered systems..... Exactly what was my violation of crime against anyone. Did I profit in any way from these ruthless criminals. Oh yes I have. Ebook and speaking rights on how to deal with any criminal or drug dealer , pot head, literally Cpu counsel any Lucifer criminal to show teach how anyone can self fast path save oneself. Keith. 770-377-2106. NOW finally occurs once YOU GODs people contact visit and even PROTEST PEACE MARCH against all criminals and terrorists including COMMANDING many of the MEDIA broadcaster Corporate Executives to ABANDON All HOPE they will survive the GRIM REAPER of KEITH as I hold a Black Hat right now with the word SLAY on the bill of eDemocracy in my hands right now. I am truly the GRIM REAPER who dispatches anyone to HELL or maybe forwards their soul to HEAVEN to work with us as ANGEL GUARDIANS to procreate the NEXT generation of GODs universal creatures.
-- is JoyDrive.US SkyLift.US all new ECO free world Terrawatts Electricity and unlimited water for world.
Call Keith Duncan today USA +1 770-377-2106 INTL headquarters and ALL National PRESS on following. CALL command Sally Q Yates at Intl Terrorist Conspiracies.
Join today, attend and get PAID with world reformation systems.
Keith Duncan arrived Atlanta March 2021 to COMMAND FBI AG PRESS, Corporate executives call us to host press conferences to finally SOLVE and prevent all cyber crimes and identify WHO are the most corrupt persons in world history. He is a serial victim of Robert Dee ROSE, Sherry Duncan, Ms. bashama + 125 other criminals named berry vic Reynolds, Alexander Cyclone Covey, Each Judge/lawyer/DA/ Police, IRS, FBI, AG, even Military official who false testified on WHY I personally delivered new world replacement system.
RALLY and GATHER millions of people to meet and support us TODAY. Stranded 5 years overseas because ROSE alone paid off MY gov to blacklist me and persecute us 900 days by denial of ALL God and Constitutional rights to testify mediate to world on HOW to prevent all crimes and redistribute GODs wealth to all impoverished slave traded nations. Call us.
Contact Duncan and EVERYONE to use our billionaire $$ valued services and Products.We are the worlds leading Inventors R&D Scientists INC-NGO Trust Foundation known as Angel Guardian Investor Philanthropists. Worlds leading Inventors R&D Scientists INC-NGO ECO Energy System Experts. Call directly (63)9173354300 to purchase rights and design of and
This empowers mankind to obtain GLOBAL PEACE by controlling all electrical power generation, our own internet WorldSchoolFund and reduction of all electricity use by 10 to 75%. Now WATER power runs entire world, Fossil Fuels reserved for Space Travel ELON MUSK.
Keith Duncan +1 770-377-2106 and
TRUE Millineuum Master Educator Mediator of MAN
Attachments area
#1171 BuiltByKeith reverses all $ energy Wars Ww5 is the ONLY GOD's method to restore humanity as peacemakers free of all C-EXEC and corrupt individuals who work in cabal conspiracies by always taking FIRST profits. Keith showcases and to change the course of all human legacy heritage as WE GODS people are now returned as SOVEREIGN ambassador God's Mortal Caretakers once and forever. Keith cell +1 725-200-7683.
Benefits: Entire world now saves 20 to 75% of all electricity. Now Hydro Power small to midrange Turbines provide 100% of all energy needs from the Mountain + Piedmont regions worldwide. Total elimination of all fossil fuel use now reserved for aircraft and space travel procreated by Keiths #1 scientist engineer teams of
Shared ALL electric transportation systems means no need for private vehicles anymore. Old cars and transportation relics are now retrofitted with replacement rear suspension electric drive motors as old engines are dropped out and replaced with small 'golf cart sized' deep charge batteries or any other emerging hot swap batteries using non-toxic materials rather than Lithium ION and other dangerous Gods materials. Even kinetic flywheels can be incorporated for braking descent regeneration systems to reduce heat transmission loss that occurs.
All CLIMATE CHANGE issues are reversed once we re forest all lands now owned and managed as green ECO mined systems as WOOD and BAMBOO are the greatest renewable resources after use of GODs watershed remanagement. Now our young scientist engineers run all affairs of GODs world as mortal caretakers and use our ordained divined education livelyhood free education of to advance our human race as peacemakers who focus on each other rather than self serving interests of instant gratification that is a vice sin.
Book Duncan to your greatest places of Watershed + 100% green positive impact Mining nations. Everyone JOIN UNIocracy New World Engineered system.
Use our prime BidOnkeith consulting Angel Guardians to send Keith's teams to your World Leaders today.
New world society is driven by eVOTE.ONE +
Contact TOP Press, Gov world leaders, Churches, and Public today! CLICK #1 answer PDF ->
Our Keynote Speaker world experts are here to unify mankind by eliminating all energy and water right wars conducted by foreign bankers, investors, military, and rouge nations. Use with eVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE to forever eliminate all crime networks.
These videos are legacy heritage. Everything posted on Youtube and websites UNIFY all of mankind Total Peac + SolutionSafeWater.ORG is the only energy-water harness harvesting system of the greatest natural resource that impacts all aspects of humanity.
TAKE ACTION TODAY by contacting TOP C-Executives of Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, top Presidents and conscious of reality Experts to face to face talk with Keith and his extreme expertise Scientist Engineer Frontliners Contact ALL World Presidents, DOE, Corporate Executives
so all our top world scientists can use our system to achieve World Equality Peace.
Summary: Now we have ten thousands of small ECO Mined Quarry Lakes and horizontal Boring Tesla Electric/ Hydraulic robotic Machine excavated shafts through top mountains to ECO mining for underground intercontinental transport rail-car ways and to store Trillions cubic meters of H20 for up/down pumped storage of energy. Video: Singularity A.I. Kardasev New Society
Contact us and escort us to Testify to humanity how this also achieves Total Equality Peace.
Simple Math for TerraWatts : 1 kilowatts = 9.81 C x H, where C is cubic meters per second and H is meters of head.
Example: 1 hectare of 1 meter water at 100 meter height = 981,(lots of ZEROS) kilowatts.
Storage of millions of Hectares of water at highest elevations is the key Complete Global Energy Independence.
TurnOffLights is Direct Trillions $ reverse (no-tax) direct funding at local ->World Wide levels as the only UNIocracy.ORG answer to prevent all Political Crime + terrorism with use of FOIA.ONE prevents all crimes. Our New World Society now owns All Energy, Water, Infrastructure, Banks, Stock Markets, as 100% total controlled by our people as Resource Cooperatives. All these solutions would have been your true world reality if anyone had used our extremely professional NGO services back before 2005.
CLICK HERE: The most famous Video Broadcast series on Achieving total World peace. (.com), We create free energy watershed systems to free our people from the eco-military energy war bank-sters and foreign family stock dynasties. This ultimate new world watershed re-management system frees our world of financial piracy, prevents + reverses Climate Change, eliminates all energy dynasty + stock market perversion, and restores ownership of all energy and water production and use back to our +7.8 Billion People with total free trade + travel of world UNIocracy.ORG. These revolutionary peaceful technology solutions create an entirely new world economy owned and control managed by each of our communities. World Wide Ministries Inc. Keith Duncan is the #1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary Author and world traveler. CEOSpace.NET
2011 Vendor Member of the year Atlanta GA USA,
UNIocracy.ORG New World
Author of all World Solutions that ensure mankind survival from Predatory Greed by destroying all criminals now.

We debriefed Click: Gina Lopez many times to create Press Conferences to reform unify our entire world... is TurnOffLights.SPACE linked. Benefits are excess of $50 Trillion USD in almost free electricity and water for all. Terra Watts of energy obtained from just a few thousand square kilometers of watershed storage systems at few hundred meter drop height. See math above.
Anyone can build Excel or computer model to show this = ONLY WORLD ENERGY CLEAN SOURCE.
Literally reduces need and cost of all fossil fuels to near zero.
The First World Agenda is to Stabilize All World Stock Markets to 100% intrinsic value with ProfitShareHolders.Space at
Entire stock market soon replaced by modeled CreatorKeith.Space Common Stock owned by humanity.
This series (tm)(c) filed 2012 patent(s) are worth Trillions of real USD profits in downstream cascading effects combined with unlimited free that also creates total Global World Keith has offered for sale to top manufacturers to license our open public source technology (c)(tm) patent methodology for minimum legally binding contract starting bid of $1 Million USD per vendor since 2012. Few have responded since most of our world is BLINDED by thinking NOTHING CAN EVER CHANGE our ENERGY Systems because they are CONTROLLED by a few elite Bankers and Stock Market Executives who control all aspects of production and delivery of energy. This system provides Year Round Safe Water as well as replenishes all underground water tables. It also PUSHES Salt Water OUT of our coastal city deep wells by reverse pumping excess water BACK underground. Run of RIVER and Stored 100,000 small lakes (mining quarries or just BLOCK across two hills/mountains (containment area) and BOOM ! ! !, STORED massive Energy.
July 25, 2020 most historical legacy last update from + SoutionSafeWater COGS ROI is Trillions of $$ USD in A.I. UNIocracy = Singularity of connecting all eDevices with +7.8B as We now own and control all electricity generation down to consumer / industrial use. Click HART =
We personally ask everyone to direct CALL / Contact / Direct VISIT all top Corporate executives +10 years.
Anyone can Video conf all way call skype: builtByKeith2
1. Tesla CEO Elon Musk PRESS@Tesla
2. Oracle CEO +1 202 255-4001
3. CEO Keith Phillips +1 (704)461-800 Belmont NC USA near High Point home.
4. All Top Mega Corporate Executives Energy, Water, Education, Transportation, Manufacturing Other
5. Contact visit all World Presidents + all Gov leaders as everyone now knows WHO is WHO.
6. Contact Visit CEO Chuck Link, David Fountain Raleigh NC President Carolina PowerLight
7. Contact all national Press for them to report WHO is KEITH DUNCAN to complete our GOD sent missions.
8. We even have system to eliminate all old databases and convert all Mass Media to all free TV/radio systems so our communications systems are totally owned and controlled by WE the PEOPLE at all levels.
NEVER in our new worlds history will we EVER have any energy blackout or terrorist Attacks against those prime Electric centralized power plants including the most vulnerable SEM-Cacau Balayan DMCI system that supplies power to ALL of NCR Luzon. A single mass failure at any level, and NCR goes total BLACK. We personally debriefed them just last week and asked to debrief DOE CUSI and top energy Executives same as we were doing fulltime on our arrival here Aug 6, 2011 confirmed by IM Jamie Morente who has our system.
Reference: Single Point of Alarm failure entire USA Northeast Aug 14-16, 2003 is CLICK HERE:
Now all energy systems are owned and controlled by Collective Cooperative kEnergy Associations so that NO family dynasty can ever control our new Mining, transport systems, and energy grids.
We offer top bidded price to buy local ABS-CBN franchise from Lopez dynasty as some will go to prison.
Same offer to DOE + the Current Meralco Executives who have been conspiracy price fixing for years.
Same offer to buy out any other Mass media corporate executive groups so they never control our assets.
We Keiths people now convert all Mass media (tv, radio, newspaper) as community owned and operated. Each corporate executive is now offered severance package by-law use of
This includes any OPEC corporate King or Prince since we show them all how to be profitable safe.
This same direct eDemocracy system is now used collectively cooperatively by all 7.8B of keiths People.
Everything we do is pure accounting, data mining with shared common public databases, and mass publicity by legal ways and means to be safe communities who control and own everything collectively. Call us.
Keith Duncan was Raleigh NCSU 1976-1981 Computer Science, Micro PLC electronics, and most extensive W4ATC amateur Radio telliCommunications free world calling/texting/video Calling R&D expertise now open free will market for all humanity to use. No more telli comm or electricity costs for anyone joining UNIocracy. Now we all live in one degree of separation between all persons and kDevices world wide.
Our conceived DOB Birth was to create all electronic paperless crime free Society UNIocracy. Soon Keith returns to work in Heaven or goes directly to your greatest places of needs to Mediate any issue anywhere. Our entire world system was engineered by our Higher (semiElectronic) Power to achieve todays A.I. legacy.
We have never violated any laws (speeding yes), and are the grass root scientists of all engineer markets.
Escort Keith to testify with World Presidents from 40 years ago on everything our R&D Scientific Pioneer revolutionary systems inter kLink all eDevices registered by owner/group that communication with each of our 7.8 billion people over kPhones. This is Singularity A.I. Kardasev New Society seen below.
We offer +$4 Billion USD to build kModel here in Philippines. Direct self funding is always through our NGO Guardian Angel Trust Foundation NGO who conceived everything to solve ANY world issue nano to Gods eye inter-stellar view starting with SolutionHousing SolutionMilitary WorldSchoolFund. Clearinghouse is cross reference of all human knowledge and wisdom to achieve Equality self stabilized communally shared resources to reverse all current true reality mass poverty, Climate Change and bloodshed at one time.
The energy released by a falling body of water = weight x distance. Potential Energy converted to Kinetic.
kilowatts = 9.81 C x H, C is cubic meters per second, H is meters of head.
Weight = downward force water exerts which = mass x acceleration due to gravity. Mass = density x volume
Hydraulic Power = Joules per second = Watts = Density x Volume x Acceleration due to gravity x Distance.
Density of water = 1000 kg per cubic meter. Volume = C = cubic meters (m3) (use m3, not liters/second)
Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 meters per second squared (m⁄s2)
Hydraulic Power = Watts = 1000 (kg⁄m3) x C (m3) x 9.81 (m⁄s2) x H (m)
Watts = 9810 C x H, Kilowatts = 9.81 C x H. C is cubic meters per second, H is meters of head.
Example: 1 Hectare of watershed is 10,000 m(squared) x 1 meter depth x 100 meter height = 9.81w x 1,000,000
1 Square Kilometer is 100 Hectares = 1,000,000m2 (6 zeros). Power =9.81w x 100,000,000
is same as 1 Kilometer watershed x .25 meter rain x 400 meter height.
= 9.81w x 1,000,000 = 9.81 Megawatts of energy. Just add the zeros. Applies to any land area x volume x height.
In Philippines, annual rainfall is up to 4 meters per year. Mountains here, in Brazil, USA Rocky Mtns, Alaska, Russia, India, China and European Alps can now be used to power all of our world energy needs.
Scaled up to 9.81 GigaWatts for 1 meter(3) at 100 meter drop x 100 kilometers(2) = 10,000 hectares(2).
Scale up to 9.81 TerraWatts for 1 meter(3) at 1000 meter drop x 10,000 kilometers(2). (just add zeros up).
Then do the math by DIVIDING the TIME period the energy is released = produced. 12 hour day x 365 days.
Then subtract all energy loss from inefficiencies such as pipe friction, transmission loss, conversion loss.
Last step is to compare against ALL other energy production lifetime costs (expenses) = delivered cost.
Anyone can build Excel or computer model to show this is the ONLY WORLD ENERGY CLEAN SOURCE.
STORAGE OF massive Square Kilometers of rain in just a few 1,000 scaled to 100,000 small lakes is the true ANSWER to no more need for almost ANY FOSSIL FUELs that can now be used for Interstellar Space flight.
As of Jan 30, 2020 we have a $1 BILLION USD / Peso contract funded by ? USA Government with Pastor Eric Negapatan (63) 0935-691-8340) shown on #1106 video upper right middle that puts 20Megawatt Power plant in Rizal Philippines about 15 kMeters northeast of Manila. Part of why GOD sent Keith to Philippines to be his #1 (maybe ONLY) ambassador of human rights activist in the world. Hard to TELL, with so many people committing crimes against each other and NO one to date picks up the phone and calls us to Testify to All World Presidents and executives and PRESS + PUBLIC all at one time to UNIFY all of mankind with
The video on top of Lost SolutionSafeWater. org for lack of any funds now past 8 years. So many crimes committed against myself, I often loose total HOPE that ANYONE in world will intervene or just ONE PERSON will actually SIGN the required ARREST AND SEIZURES in USA of over 125 people. Ultimate meantime, ALL answer solutions to UNIFY mankind are on BuiltByKeitih. com/Clearhouse to systematically Identify and destroy the evil ones who violate existing laws. Starts with Corporate executives with ProfitShareHolders .space that will make my name a legacy household name Apostle (walking most humble saint) Keith. For I see no end to the depravity and misery of our world that is truly designed by evil persons to dominate and rule over our people just like Egyptian Pharaohs who claim they are all Gods. Related is TurnOffLights. SPACE that eliminates need for almost ALL fossil fuels. Never been done before so most people ridicule me for showing humanity these so simple answers to mankinds basic needs of water and energy.. Keith Nothing left to add.
NO ONE IN WORLD but Keith Duncan has completed 100% total energy independance from all OPEC, stock market $$$ price fixing, taxed, shipping, tariff financial wars that truly enslave our world of people for lack of JUST BASIC EDUCATIONAL KNOWLEDGE sent by GOD and delivered by our crusaders of ultimate intelligence who are the true observers of the Human Condition and are YOUR new world leaders to be known to end of time as the sole author evangelist peace keepers who have indeed SAVED ALL PEOPLE.
OVERVIEW Historical Legacy Summary:
100% related to all aspects of Factories and infrastructures to be powered with almost FREE Electricity and Water involves trillions of USD/Euros of new construction for corporate business parks and self sustained communities:
TurnOffLights.SPACE is the only matched methodology to ensure mankind Prospers and explores Space once Wars are Prevented SolutionMilitary at another universal Stabilizing system.
Our work from 1976 forward was completed 10 years ago on HOW to power our world using 100,000's of small mined lakes in highest elevations to save the tremendous 'BATTERY' weight of annual rainfall as Potential Energy. This is the required WaterShed re-Management system that benefits all of mankind. The massive volume and height of water is Converted to Kinetic energy by remote controlled small dams. The water flows down canals used for shipping localized, then cascades down scalable sized pipes with automatic controlled TurnOffLights.SPACE valves powering micro, small, mid range, and then mega Water Turbine generators for local power distribution to exactly match the DEMAND with available reserve supply in real time. The public owns and controls all aspects of this new energy distribution system.
No other gifted system will reduce use of OIL, COAL, Natural Gas down to almost ZERO. This would have occurred some 15 years ago, except the OPEC and bank stock market controllers do NOT want to loose control over OUR PROFITS caused by the most common sense answer in world history....
KEITH is a top most humble ECO-Evangelist like Billy Graham + other celebrities who talk directly with World Presidents and Corporate leaders. If religions leaders do NOT represents GOD's best interests, is their anyone who will? Only by speaking WITH authority and confidence will our people actually decide what is in Their best interests to PROSPER and THRIVE. Related meeting today is: simple use of mass marketing technology solves the ENERGY and WASTE issues ALL 100% engineered no emotion involved. Example Daily WASTE landfills from Factories and Residents is: Quezon City yields 386.84 tons or 12,730.59 cubic meters of trash per day, followed by Manila with 1,151.79 tons per day (7,500.07 cubic meters/day), and Caloocan City with 891.64 tons per day (3,966.38 cubic meter/day).
ProfitShareHolders.SPACE empowers all bank depositors and Stock Certificate holders to eVOTE on their executive pay scales and to PREVENT all insider day trading and disaster made stock market crashes. Call master author Keith Duncan at 63-917335-4300, Skype: BuiltByKeith2 and set face to face meetings with your top executives so we can formally debrief on the new world market system UNIocacy.ORG as EVERYONE in world benefits.
Most Recent True Benefits of HYDROPower is SCMP (south China Morning Press CLICK HERE: NEWSReport.
Last required updated Jan 19, 2020 on eve of Worlds Last Peace Summit that would have occurred Oct 2011 if a single person in USA gov had actually upheld and enforced existing laws to SEIZE super criminal Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE Keith still stranded in Manila creating last segments of worlds sequence of HOW to UNIFY mankind. Read below and TAKE Action by calling Keiths top teams and escorting us to debrief top corporations and Government agencies at all levels.
All electric community automated factories and agri-farms sell products locally. No more massive shipping of raw materials to cheap labor nations and ship back of finished goods. All profits taken by huge series of broker traders are reduced. Massive shipping industry now replaced by fleet of public owned Hydrogen remote monitor controlled GPS blimp fleets that ferry all goods on Jet Stream worldwide. Other trillions of real $$ benefits are shown below. WHO will call Keith and his top world scientists to debrief you.
Even passenger ships will be build as huge Hydrogen filled Blimps with escape powered gliders with parachutes in case of fire, malfunction, or lightning. Even can build small airports on top of these blimps for servicing by engineering technicians.
All Electric trains, subways, cars, buses, motorcycles, skateboards are quick charge or run off power bars. Shared resources mean just swap out your large battery pack and off you go. Most short trips just need a few kilowatts of battery energy. With FOIA.ONE anyone can ride share with others doing automatic Back Ground check on everyone in their public car. All public Free transport systems as we showed at Stone Mountain GA youtube video Fall of 2014. Everything number cross referenced to Save Our world by deposit store and forward FOIA.ONE single world open public database of Human Knowledge, Wisdom, and WHO is WHO. Who Owns What, + Others
Click here: Recent Hong Kong South China Morning Post article on true value of Hydro Water Power Economics.
Required BENEFITS and VALUE PROPOSITION are legacy Historical for the cascading financial economic effects.
World Famous Viral Media #28 from Linville Falls NC USA on my way to Wash the Sin out of Washington #25.
Search Youtube for 'BuiltByKeith #20' series all about How to Eliminate crime networks = Empower Humanity to OWN everything.
Mining companies now OWNED by our local people who make SMALL quarries. Mined Dirt/rock is used to build DAMS, now become cooperative collective small hydro power providers. Mining of Limestone for Cement, and base ore for Iron and Steel is a prime requirement for building millions of new small self sustained communities owned by our people. Use of IOT Smart grid over high speed Fiber Optic Network, even cell data, controls all the pipe systems that go DOWN hill through multiple Micro/small water turbines. Producing collective power LOCALLY on short transmission lines in very remote areas. Energy is released on IOT command to match demand, other wise stored for dry season use. Steel factories, agri factories, and self sustained communities now have unlimited power, water and can create anything from base raw natural materials. Shipping industry is most effectively eliminated as the producers now sell directly to local consumers. Eliminates need for bank loans, government regulations, and huge truck shipping industry that just destroys all the roads. Quarries can now be mine powered by Electricity from nearby lakes to make gravel and limestone for concrete. Oh THE ROADS... corruption is why the roads are never built to engineering standards to last 5 to 10 years.
In Philippines, just look at Taft Ave, Roxas Blvd as the heavy trucks sit on C5 and clog up ALL the streets surrounding the ONLY PORT in Philippines that deals with such massive freight. The economic impact is trillions of real $$ in cascading downstream market effects. This has never been done on a national scale because the few industrialists who control the water and energy power WANT more fossil fuel power plants as THAT is their billionaire profit strategy. To keep the people 'DUMB and STUPID'. We publish this also since makes no sense to keep RETYPING same solutions for now decades. Keith 09173354300. Updated Dec 14, 2019 as I am still alive...
We are the worlds wealthiest unknown R&D scientists and Angel Philanthropists worth collective trillions real USD in Intellectual Property. We have remained hidden for reasons of economic/legal/spiritual reasons. These solutions reverse Climate Change. The prime solution is almost free terra watts of energy and harness harvesting quad trillions of metric meters of stored water energy at highest elevations. Now we re-Jungle all forests and migrate billions of our people to higher elevations to unload the mega slums of all coastal cities. Everyone follows the new money flow of mega Trillions as they now own the small mining companies and produce their own local steel and all other robotic controlled factories. Workweeks will be 2-3 days. 4 day weekends empower all communities to solve their own local issues with our broadcast mediation psychology solutions known as FixHOA to stabilize all issues at all levels. We are indeed the worlds first trillionaires of Intellectual Property and WILL be paid by governments and corporations to integrate our first to market solutions that literally save our world.
Our system also prevents all multi building and major forest fires. Converts world into all electric digital society, more benefits worth trillions of no more fossil fuel required. NCSU published to world all electric digital society owned by humanity = Total Global peace. This becomes our new world eStandard for smart grid cluster networks controlled + owned by everyone. We the People now control all air, water, energy, land. Everyone travels the world free trade trust with -> FOIA.ONE. BuiltByKeith crusaders can now meet all world leaders at one time
as Jan 20, 2020 is when we host ALL world Presidents to achieve total global peace by USING our most profound disruptive required common sense use of existing technology we pioneered 1976 forward.
We are working directly with a mega millionaire World leading expert on Dredging. Our contact Rich in Manila personally grew up with Mark Zuckerberg and his expert Eugene has multiple billion USD projects ready for direct investors and Projects to be matched with our world expert partnership legally binding contracts. we also perfected contracts long ago so NO one can defraud another and walk away with no damage payback. We require you are key users contact ALL top Angel Philanthropists as we are blocked from making International calls for past 2 months because our IP lives are still threatened by very powerful USA gov rogue criminal terrorists. See Updated Dec 12, 2019.
Call us, email us today to book billions of real $$ profitable business as that is also our prime real expertise with NSASpeakers.ORG HighTechMinistries.ORG
Oct 15, 2019 We finally are getting International Publicity on How to UNIFY our world total Global Peace. This is one of 5 primary world solutions generated starting 1976 forward by mastermind genius Keith Duncan and his world famous Angel Philanthropists who direct fund how to prevent all poverty by eliminating all Politics and corruption at one time. We MUST have National Leaders and Presidents contact us NOW to protect our intellectual Property from being destroyed by Terrorists and Political Criminals we have already identified to entire world with the greatest broadcasts of all time centered on and
A great National Geographic video is here: describing how Hydro Water Power Generation scalable at small to mid level is the ONLY way to create unlimited gigawatts of clean green energy by harnessing the Power of GOD's most powerful resource WATER. We are direct funding hundreds of collective Run of River and cluster networked lakes with BILLIONS of real $$$ obtained from crime networks seized and from millions of dual expat wealthy honest citizens who migrate here with their families.
This also would have occurred +8 bible years ago if ANYONE had actually upheld existing laws in USA and now abroad USA Embassy.
Call Pastor Eric Negapatan 0917-808-7437. We are working directly on WaWa 20MegaWatt River existing project located 20 kmeters north east of Manila above La Mesa Dam. The upper Right River project PDF feasibility file is 12MegaWatt Run of River project EXAMPLE far north of Davao Mindanao that is soon ready for construction of Power House Turbines and short run of Aquaducts and Weir storage tanks. See page 23 for the most relevant engineering and ROI details. We will PAY for all construction costs as first model to world on how easy it is for communities to BUILD and OWN their very own fresh water and Power plants independent of all governments and corporations who only prey on the poverty stricken dwellers of mega cities and outlying most resource rich territorials.
WE ASK everyone reading this TAKE ACTION and call us to JOIN to eliminate ALL crime networks as ordained by GOD himself. Can NEVER be this hard to find honest persons who actually DO THEIR JOBS to protect and serve our people as we have collectively done in Service to GOD and HUMANITY our entire lives. Updated Oct 15, 2019
We are fully aware our entire world will be restructured in all aspects as we now return all infrastructure and ownership of all land and resources back to all +7.7 Billion our collectively cooperative people. Anyone who makes excuses or blame is hiding crime assets.
Sept 18, 2019 The absolute base requirements for all life is Air, Water, energy, food, education that is all now free for all with these answer solutions completed +11.11 years ago and now recreate published to ask all world leaders sit down with our crusader teams to solve each and ever one of man kinds maladies and crimes. We just met DOE Sec Cusa Staff (Haf Ong-Oy Congressman Edgar Saliman? 09176590409 for THEM to debrief Duterte and world leaders on HOW to solve the basic water energy wars once and forever. Our World History completed. Kapihan sa Manila at Adriatico Cafe with DOE Sec Alfonsoni Cusi the exact same man we have asked to debrief TurnOffLights for now +3.0 years per previous broadcasts to all world leaders = decision makers who are the ONLY persons to decide anything. Massive Renewal of Energy occurs every single time it rains from Heaven. Host: Marichu A. Villanueva and thousands, even millions have been properly debriefed again as soon as we meet them. Do we really need to host MASS PROTEST RALLIES to command our leaders take action, when all it takes is ONE Sit-Down Debrief for World Press Conferences with our R&D scientist mastermind crusaders. Should have occurred =40 years ago, but the ‘POWERS that BE’ have already captured and enslaved our people consumer markets.. Since these are unique proprietary ©(™) and patented technology combinations, we deserve to be paid BILLIONS for being first to market.
He speaks about a single drone attack recently has affected world energy prices, which is truly Studious STUPID. Terrorists benefit like ROSE by shorting the market knowing the leveraged insider trader stock markets will generate BILLIONS of real $$ in just a few hours. No risk, trillions of $$ transferred to the Criminal Ruling Elite as this has been happening for decade centuries.
Eight TV news crews are here with their correspondents. No one pays attention to the REAL news under their very noses since most are told to ONLY report AFTER an event occurs and never broadcast something that is not current and future reality. So WE have as the premiere R&D broadcasters of your new world society. Follow the URL links to obtain real and lasting . He speaks about Supply and Demand unbundling the fixed pricing system. Full disclosure of costs at all levels limits ability of perversion price. Wrong direction. Once WE the people own all sections of Power gen to use, we control the Supply vs Demand.
SolutionSafeWater Unifies all Energy +Water Reserves
with simple use of combined existing Technology pioneered by our R&D Scientist Crusader teams led by world leader BidOnkeith going to your greatest places of needs by order command of GOD and our world leaders.
Our TOP hydro power consultant is: Conrado
Click: Why most renewable energy will never save our planet. Note: Fossil fuels will be depleted in 10 to 20 years at current levels of extraction. ONLY HYDRO POWER and NUCLEAR will be the primary sources of both clean water and ENERGY for the next century. Solar and Wind are limited production hours by season and are prohibitively expensive ROI unless no other energy source is available in remote areas. They are easily damaged by typhoons + hurricanes.
A top world hydro turbine corporation is founded 1856.
Click: Engineering Proof of Reality.
Old estimated install cost is $4,500 USD per kilowatt/hour. ROI < ~4 years.
Click: Great example video of HOW HydroGeneration saves energy.
Click to watch HOW TO build hybrid Hydro Turbine A/C Generators yourself. Powerful turbine power plant technology. Micro Hydro install uses Pumps as Turbines + 3 phase Motors as single phase Generators. 210 feet of head (92 PSI), 550 ft of 8 inch welded steel pen stock. Draws 2500 gal/minute and maintains ~ 85 PSI. if Gilkes, Produces 2-4 Megawatts year round.
More info:
CLICK: GREAT example of this micro/mid System.
Click: Excellent microHydro 15Kw installation. Clean and efficient.
Ram Giant Pump:
.. + are World Changing mega Trillion $$ USD driving all small biz owners middle class SolutionHousing.ORG to benefit all humanity. Protect + fund Keith's life + teams + IP today !
June 28, 2019. Click: #1082 FOIA.ONE world broadcast to ALL World Leaders.
The easy target is massive reduction of all fossil fuel plants by harness + harvesting the most powerful energy = RAIN.
Easy to direct self fund with 1-2 year ROI of construction costs when 20 to 75% of all energy now produced by Hydro Power controlled with smart remote control grid TurnOffLights using standard communications protocol by all vendors.
Our most provocative and financially rewarding system requires Mass Publicity by top World Leaders, Engineers, Corporate leaders, technologists, Press, and world NOW!!. The cascading economic benefits are total sustainable energy and water resources that most effectively eliminates all the perverted control and crime manipulating of our most valuable natural resources. Even all the mining companies now focus on 100% green extraction of Iron, Steel, and building products while providing massive amount of dirt and dredged material for creating 100,000's of new all digital planned creative mixed use communities including new 'free' transportation systems of high speed passenger train subways, freight railways, shipping ports, and state of art free expressway networks.
With free barter market system of, products produced locally stay in the community = most massive reduce in ocean shipping trade, delay, and cost. Most shipping will now be unmanned hydrogen blimp fleets circling on Jet Stream circles.
Millions, then billions of our mega-city and slum dwellers migrate to higher elevations away from flood prone disaster coastal cities showcased to world SolutionHousing.ORG/endorsements
NEXT: ONLY requirement is MASS PUBLICITY by Top World Leaders, PRESS, Corporate Executives, and advocate PUBLIC.
June 28, 2019 Dept of Energy Headquarters debrief on this #1 world system. Click Top Left Historical PDF file. We showcast to World Leaders how to unify reform the energy and water sectors all at one time. We ask everyone to visit all World Leaders.
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9 ESV
Last most critical DOA Dept of Agri meeting was Wednesday, June 19 10am Quezon City Headquarters OSEC 4thFlr. This historical legacy monumental meeting is about how these one scalable systems are self-funding and must be endorsed by the top DOA / DOE Duterte Senate Congress officials to cause PRESS CONFERENCES to announce to world how these combination system prevents climate change and restores all agri farming profits back to our impoverished agriculture communities. We already have debriefed DOA DOE so many times for past 3 years. Even USEC Ariel Cagayuan office (personally wanted a meeting way back spring 2018.
The group is Bureau of Agri and Fisheries Engineering. Call Rose Ann at 0905-454-5874 and USEC Ariel Cayanan (632) 921-8186.
The DOEnergy and hundreds of other top leaders have been DEBRIEFED for over 10 years in USA, China, and abroad.
Call Rev Dr. Samuel Garcia at +(63) 0905-270-6919 in Tuguegarao City
Call Conrado Bacoy in Manila (632)728-9979 CMB PCDC Power Consultant Development Corporation. Our teams can quickly engineer any hydro generation project based on topographical maps and demographics of any terrain location. Our #1 top Merchant exchange group will arrange all project management services including finding qualified investors who want high rates of return on their funding. These are monumental solutions to the most basic necessities of clean water, food, and energy markets.
We remain beyond SHOCKED and STUNNED that so many Leaders and corporations OBJECT to any of these engineered solutions as they can claim millions of USD/Euros in profits from using these existing gifted combination technologies. We have offered everyone sponsorship list space on our websites for qualified vendors suppliers and partners of Green Energy Initiatives.
We CALL ON WORLD to RISE UP and directly support + FUND our massively successful reformation rebuild systems NOW !
WHO will be listed next on top of as our supporters who we acknowledge and show where their funds are used.
Our current list of Sponsors and Endorsers are showcased on SolutionHousing.ORG/endorsements and NGO.
The most powerful Green Renewable Energy Reserve from original creation is mega trillions of cubic meters weight of WATER and SUN generated life. The most obvious solution to create almost unlimited energy and new world economy AGRICULTURE now 100% owned and controlled by 7.7 Billion of our people. This is simple, yet has never been harnessed because of the pure greed and lack of education of mankind. Water is Oxygen and Hydrogen. With almost unlimited free micro-mid Hydro Electricity from rivers, we create new green mining of oceans, fish farms, algae, bamboo jungles, and new high value agriculture. Existing electronics and smart grid communication devices create localized switching off grid as well as resell to mega power monopolies.
NO MORE DISASTER FLOODING as first 20 to 50% rain of any typhoon or storm system is stored in thousands of linked lakes. If a single small dam breaks, no big deal as the next lake contains the overflow. Agriculture farmers now use less fertilizer pesticides and convert to Giant Bamboo, year round grasslands, sugar palms, coconuts, and other erosion control root system re-forested JUNGLES.
Critical: Solar and Wind are NOT good ROI unless installed in hot or windy locations with low rain and risk of Typhoon damage.
Nuclear Fusion and Fission are the 2nd best energy sources when constructed away from dense populations = xmission costs go up.
We now create new steel + metal foundries, manufacturing complexes at point of extraction that is consumed locally for community use. Massive reduction in heavy international shipping trade of fossil fuels and raw materials + taxes that is now controlled by super rich dynasties.. With millions of new small lakes in highest elevations with 'WEIR' storage and piping aqueducts, we store + harvest high percentage of all rainfall, typhoons, + hurricanes. Water is now easily utilized as the most massive transfer quad-Trillions of pounds of potential energy turned into working kinetic power using Micro and mid-sized Hydro Generation turbines + Pipelines owned BY, FOR, and OF our people.
Call Presidents, Commissioner/Secretaries of all Dept of Energy, Dept of Agri, Power Corporations, and WORLD. Show them this.
Just harnessing existing river systems will supply 80% world power needs. Nuclear Power is also top feasible cost effective.
May 23, 2019. We re-visited PCOO Presidential Communications Office Martin Andanar today and asked for Duterte to contact us back with Press Conferences to announce to world WE HAVE the #1 and only energy and water solution. We also delivered direct to DOA Sec Manny Pinol and Usec Ariel Caganan today same as we did years ago and even recently again to DOE debriefing. DUTERE and world leaders will be madder than HELL itself that no one ever does any followup and face to face meetings. Most Politicians are too busy getting re-elected and protecting their flanks from Political attacks by greedy self serving party lists.
Saddest reality fact of our world: Everyone is scared to death of our very own Government and corporate executives for reasons stated and prevented by EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE = Only the 'insiders ruling elite' truly control all aspects of our world economies.
Contact World leaders and is the #1 new world standard using or equal as world standardized replacement Smart Circuit Breaker and communications 'fail-safe' control system scalable to Sub-stations to Saves 10 to 50% of ALL world electric use. Now micro -> mid level hydro water Turbines supply 50 to 80% of worlds electricity. All micro grid electrical transmission distribution systems now IOT controlled and monitored BY our citizens. NO more family power or communication Banking dynasties once provides FREE world hi speed fiber optic Internet and FREE education to everyone. No more private schools as all professors get paid +3 times more than present. WHO contacts Duncan at (63) 9173354300, Skype: BuiltByKeith2
Contact Eng Lino Diamante (63) x927-493-8080, Ernesto Ressonada (63) 966-746-5247, Conrado Bacoy 63-9178087437, REPEAT ! CONTACT PRESS, World Leaders, ALL Dept of Energy and Energy Manufacturer groups. Contact everyone NOW to host Press Conferences that will finally SHOCK all our world leaders into fearlessly protecting the rights of all our people.
#1 Most Critical is to Contact/Book Keith Duncan +(63)917-335-4300 Manila, World Leaders, + Press.
Contact Executive Director: Gloria Reyes Civil Engineer (63)929-172-3744. and son Kyle Duncan USA +(1) 770-655-5546 to debrief entire world with Hosted Press Conferences on HOW to free our world of all energy wars and financial crisis including stock market crashes with Every single village and power company benefit as 100% cooperative owned energy and water system that forever eliminates all stock market manipulation and frees us all from the tyranny of fossil fuel energy price and actual wars. Command our world leaders contact Keith and protect the lives and assets of our #1 evangelist crusader teams as we re-educate humanity in the most poweful reform unification movement in world history with: Evote.ONE = new economy.
Click: = = world famous Philippine Safe Water Association NGO Feb 2019. Click Here:
A top world hydro turbine corporation is founded in 1856. We just contacted them to be Asian manufacturing and distribution center for mid-level 3 styles of turbines. Gilkes Energy Ltd, Canal Head North, Kendal, Cumbria ENGLAND. LA9 7BZ, t: 01539 720028
email: My team is top keynote experts on HydroGeneration Projects in Philippines and other nations. features the HOW TO engineering to bring world electricity production by HydroGen up to 50, hopefully 80% in next 5 years. BECAUSE of the fossil fuel cost energy wars and instability of nations because of economic collapse we have also Prevented. Please contact Keith Duncan ASAP as we are actively cross promoting Your company on our websites and teaching forums. We work Directly with top level Philippines DOE, Dept of Agri, Dept of Science and Technology, and CONGRESS + SENATORS, top officials and soon all world leaders. Keith Duncan
Qualified Investors worldwide are required to direct fund partnership with our communities, engineers, vendor manufactures, leaders. The NEW world class funding model is called 'Self-Funding' as the ROI Return on Investment is 1 to 4 years for the construction costs. The operation costs are less than .75 Peso = estimated 1.5 cents USD per kilowatt. This is a world record financially as everyone benefits by eliminating the 'brokers who make us broke', the bank-sters, and others who criminally control stock markets (such as Oil, Coal, NG), financing, and trade commerce by their secret manipulation of information, knowledge, and communicated transactions that no one can see. These issues are solved with FOIA.ONE forever..
Upcoming Current Events creating New World History:
Wednesday, June 19 10am Most critical DOA Dept of Agri meeting Quezon City Headquarters OSEC 4thFlr. This historical legacy monumental meeting is about how these one scalable systems are self-funding and must be endorsed by the top DOA/DOE Duterte Senate Congress officials to cause PRESS CONFERENCES to announce to world how these combination system prevents climate change and restores all agri farming profits back to our impoverished agriculture communities. We already have debriefed DOA DOE so many times for past 3 years. Even USEC Ariel Cayauan office (personally wanted a meeting way back spring 2018.
June 13-15 Security Fire Safety event (free) at MOA SMX Manila. I attend Friday with my team. Join us.
May 9-11 2019. Phil Society Mechanical Engineers -3,000 member forum at Silang, north of Tagatay.
May 11, 2019. SweepppFoundation.ORG Techno Purchasing Forum in Cavite -Las Pinas, (15km south of Manila). Limit 200 registrations of top buyer purchasing agents + executives. Keith is prime speaker in afternoon session about USA Philippines Trade Relations and NEW migration of millions.
Late May 2019 Trip to Singapore, then Los Angeles to set up premier supply chain logistics for Pipe and Pump massive new communities in Philippines, the expansion to Asia and other nations.
April 16, 2019. Team debriefed top Dept Of Energy Art Habitan + staff. Top leaders never showed up for this historical meeting. The tech team was thrilled with billions of real $$$ cash USD benefits. No one does any followup to command these answer methods be put into common world best business practices.
April 13, 2019. TechnoPurchasing Sales 1 day training Workshop Sweeppp.ORG Keith presented Purchasing with USA.
GIANT RAM Pump: (44)(0) 1288 354454 This working example of 500mm diameter in-feed can deliver 1800 liters per minute to elevation of 150 meters up. This simple technology is easy for anyone to construct as it uses no electricity or fossil fuel. Smaller working version is Another is:
Perfect example of hydro water turbines Click:
and RAM Hydro Pump systems (no electricity or mechanical engine) driven by pure flow of water energy to PUMP percentage of flow rate to extreme heights. Example: 10 liter/sec head pressure 10 Meters can pump 1 liter/sec 100 meter higher elevation.
Hydro Generation and safe Nuclear are the only prime energy sources to prevent world self-genocide holocausts.
For more information follow the links below.
➤ Limitless Energy Graphene Project -,
➤ Altaeros BAT (Buoyant Airborne Turbine) -
➤ Dynamic Tidal Power -
➤ Floating Solar -
MAJOR EVENTS.: CLICK: Refer to PipePumps website
May 29, 30, 2019. Technical Sales Workshop forum in Cavite (20km south of Manila) Sweeppp.ORG
Click: to see how the reality of water re-management harnesses the most powerful energy source in GOD's world that must be owned and control managed by our communities and NEVER by crime enterprises.
MOST CRITICAL is for YOU my people to contact TOP World Leaders NOW. Ask THEM to deploy NOW to save our world from Climate Change and wars driven by pure demonic greed of the Criminal Ruling Elite.
Major event was Philippine Water District National Convention Feb 11-13, 2019 SMX MOA Center. Then, March 20-22 2019 SMX Convention Center, Metro Manila Philippines. Our teams are soon world famous with these simple gifted answers to all energy, bank, and military water wars. STOP ALL POLITICS, CRIMES + TAXES now with eVote.One ! ! !
The MOST critical revolution is mass publicity Direct eDemocracy UNIocracy.ORG. Command all top officials and news media today.
Your New World Society from 100% Direct eDemocracy UNIocracy.ORG saves entire world. NGO=INC life-soul saving evangelist ministries. is the ONLY direct eDemocracy with Call for congressional investigations NOW. Senator David Perdue at (202) 224-3521 and Senator Johnny Isakson at (202) 224-3643. From Senator Perdue Facebook. Your msg is reviewed. If you have problems with a federal agency, call Atlanta office 404-865-0087.
Isolation of peoples rights is a crime. Knowing a crime and refusing to notify law officials is conspiracy coverups. Collaboration with mutual agreement as is the new single world law enforcement system never controlled by any crime entity.
Broadcast World Saving Crusaders to World Leaders. Again and again UNTIL total WORLD social Justice is finally achieved. Help make world history by mass publicity FOIA.ONE and the other world saving solutions that unify Nothing else has ever worked since those who control our economy and politics will scream BLOODY MURDER their secret crimes are revealed to world. All positive once the dirty dust settles as solutionSafeWater.ORG also empowers all our people 100% direct eDemocracy. is the new 10 world commandments. Chris Morris CMAFinancial commanded to go FBI. everyone else refused to do the most obvious- GO TO FBI AG in person and command they protect my life and seize each criminal who stole my assets and testified against me who are tied to theFinalTerrorist .com or simply profiteered by taking advantage of my 5 kidnapping illegal jail detrimental detainment.
World Press Conferences train all world leaders to eliminate all crime networks at one time FOIA.ONE Direct call Interpol at Lyons France, all world leaders, DOJ, DOD, Presidents, Congress, National News media. I have broadcast contacted them 45 times from Jan 2015 for 4 years on each refinement Now perfected as is auto face recognition bio metrics open circuit TV = any smart phone or CCTV over free internet known as interLink. Public now are the vision and ears of all streets and even public enclosed areas. All police and military combine into one world peace keeping 100% criminal investigators. Prevention of almost all crimes is the most powerful ministries that massive reduces all social justice systems with related Interpol should have flown my teams to Lyons France years ago asking Interpol to explain why they block common sense tech solutions that make them all world famous. Call Philippine NBI deputy director Ferdie Lavin to ask him the same questions, cell (63)0920-901-0964.
Collaboration with mutual agreement is demanded. Comprehensive answer is COMMUNITY involvement to uphold all justice constitutional commandment laws of This is basis for changing under NGO Crusader evangelists ministries. eVOTE.ONE DRIVE new world society free of almost all crimes and depression.
The most extreme crime sprees continue against my people caused by pure predatory greed and who controls the flow of information. FBI AG and other law enforcement judicial agencies are about to collapse for individuals committing crimes and subsequent full scale coverups. End times becomes new world times once everyone sees and believes the prime truths of Duncan. Nothing can stop this most powerful reform unification action movement. Connection free world communication networking is key uniformity with new world standards.
I continue to be most severely persecuted by so many in USA so I am HERE as #1 crusader evangelist working FOR the Philippine people. Growth of wisdom and knowledge is key for my world to prosper and thrive.
Current Events of International significance:
April 16, 2019. Philippine Dept of Energy debriefing on with Art Habitan, Antonio Nabong of Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB) Energy Efficiency & Conservation Division (EECD). Office Line: +632-479-2900 loc 275. Only 4 technical staff showed up as even they continue to refuse to contact their top commissioners and others. Lino, Gloria, and Angel attended and saw these revolutionary world answers.
April 13, 2019. Las Pinas Techno Sales/Purchasing forum for 200 people. Foundation is the host with Lino Diamante. I travel with Lino to Hong Kong 2019 Trade show April 20 then go to USA to meet Pipe-Pump premiere manufacturers. I will continue re-broadcast directly to world leaders while cross promoting these only world class saving solutions to all my soon 7.7 Billion people.
April 9, 2019 Meeting again with and Philippine Chamber of Mines President with Lino Diamante and CEO Eduardo Javier. to command world mining and engineering companies create 100,000's of new micro hydro generation systems.
April 3, 2019. DOST R&D forum Manila. #1 Email broadcast is 1st PDF file above.
1200 people attended today on how to use Technology to solve and prevent most all world problems. Join our #1 reformation unification world groups now to Command our world return ownership of all infrastructe and natural resources of land, energy, water, farms, ocean, communications, education BACK to our people as new world society free trade travel of NO crime networks.
Feb 12-13. Philippine National Water District convention. SMX MOA convention center, Pasig.
Feb -22 DOST Compound Taguig. Part 2 final BIG forum. Compliance STP Sewage Treatment Plants and Water Shed re-management best practices for world to use to harness #1 energy source and precious water supplies. 160 persons including PNP water police, resident experts and Company Executives, Univ. Professors, grad students, others.
March 20-24 SMX Convention Center MOA Pasig Manila
April 13, 2019. Techno Training free all day seminar at Las Pinas(15 km south of Manila airport). Limit is 200 first sign-ups who want to learn purchasing and small business operations in compressed format.
Training Forums with experts. For reservations, inquiry and confirmation of participation Tel: 02 708-3178
Mobile: 0945 108 6000 URL: Now linked to
All Classes are at: Venue: 3F,MPR Bldg, 1044 Alhambra St.,B666, Ermita, Manila Philippines
1. (past) Training Forum: "Theory & Practice in Non Bio Wastewater (Reuse & Recycling) Treatment Plants”,
15th Friday + 16th February 2019 - Saturday @ 8AM -5pm.
2. (past) Training Forum: ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATIVE Compliance solid waste to energy fertilizer & Wealth
1st March 2019 - Friday @ 8AM-5pm 5,000 Peso tuition includes full lunch.
3. (Past)Training Forum: Designing the Non Bio Wastewater (Reuse & Recycling) Treatment Plants”, Part B
2nd March 2019 - Saturday @ 8AM -5pm
Solved forever with EVOTE.ONE Direct eDemocracy system FOIA.ONE and NGO's
Summary: 100,00's of new small lakes are now engineer modeled and built like TVA = Tennessee Valley Authority and mega projects like Hoover Dam. We the people, now capture the most valuable GOD's 'potential' energy source (weight of mass rainfall) and the life gifting force of H2O water. High elevation storage of replenished trillions of gallons of fresh water now is used to prevent all flooding catastrophes, drought, water financial wars, wildfires, and other man-made disasters. Billions of mega slum dwellers now move to higher elevations away from coastal cities that are prone to mass flooding and economic depravity. Large pipes instead of downstream rivers now harness the gigawatt production of free clean green energy for all electric society. These are trillions of real $$$ valued benefits to all 7.6 Billion of keith's people. Everyone now uses and creating self regulated checks + balances communities free of all crime.
Contact SWEEPPP.ORG and Sweeppp Techno Sales Force Foundations today to be part of these revolutionary only answers.
Contact Lino Diamente, Universal Techno Piping Corp south of Manila Philippines +(63)02-872-7634. Email is Keith Duncan's evangelist crusader teams work with this wonderful industry experts to create 10,000's new water sourcing and distribution systems as top world advisor on business processes and supply chain dynamics.
Contact Engineer Harry Freires Schytech Enterprises in Manila (632) 562 9152. (63)906-233-8486, or (63)x920-573-1624, Gloria Reyes Civil Engineer His patented water filtration plants and waste water treatment systems are state of the art for all new Communities worldwide. Book our top teams TODAY to travel to your nation to be keynote speaker and master design engineer consultants to build thousands of new Fresh Water filtration and waste water management plants that solve the worst crisis of contaminated and inadequate water supplies that have always been the death toll of nations.
This one universal method solves CLIMATE CHANGE + forever, stops all energy wars forever, reforests our jungles, provides safe water for new agriculture. and migrate moves billions of people to re-inhabit the rest of GOD's Forest Gardens of Eden FOIA.ONE to unload the slums of our world. No more poverty or crime once occurs.
#1 Most world critical is Mass Publicity with HOSTED PRESS CONFERENCES to rebuild all economies now owned and controlled BY our people. The only root answer series is solutions. + SolutionSafeWater.ORG is Total Energy Independence from All Governments, Corporations, Fossil fuel electric monopolies, OPEC, + Stock Markets as WE the PEOPLE, now own + control all our own cooperative Hydro Generation water reclamation, storage, and distribution systems of both WATER and ENERGY. Revolutionary Peaceful replacement of all governments and corporations occurs to benefit +7.6billion with Driven by + eVote.ONE -> we control and manage all aspects of our own new world society UNIocracy.ORG as all my People benefit.
Philippine Inquirer June 26, 2018 Radio/TV timemark 14min Click:
No more Stock Market Financial Energy War Holocausts caused by the Criminal Ruling Elite + Banksters.
These two simple common sense methods return ownership of all infrastructure to humanity as watershed re-management and energy production are the keys to prosperity and all small business owner driven world economies. These are the ONLY answers to destroy energy greed.
Sept 17, 2018 My teams attend the 3 day Mining Exhibition Sofitel Manila Hotel as all Mining + Construction + engineering companies now go 100% GREEN as the gold/silver markets crash with Phililippines DOA, DOE, Meralco, APexMining, PhilMining, + USA + WORLD was 100% debrief educated starting +10 years ago on each of the gifted ordained solutions shown to world below on over internet.
Who petitions anyone, who files ANY court docs, who GOES to PRESS, FBI, AG, IRS, PUBLIC, who collects ANY debt. USA GOV? never in last 1,000 years has anyone ever shown and commanded true DIRECT Democracy to unify entire man woman child. This is your new free world
ANYONE who DENIES your rights to own and manage your very own infrastructure are ousted retroactively (even jail) with eVOTE.ONE
Sept 15, 2018 Last Broadcast to world. All these reform transformation solutions gifted to all 10 years ago, even 43 years ago NCSU Raleigh NC start of the most powerful unification GodSendKeith.ORG keynote speaker Evangelist Crusade Ministries showcased clearinghouse.
Everyone/anyone must GO to ultimate Market with these answer solutions to put highest integrity experts in charge of your new economy.
Click: for World Destruction documentary when OIL goes dry. By default, the energy answer solutions below most effectively and legally destroys all the Energy Wars and political corruption (cyber crime) conducted by criminal networks known as 'The Criminal Ruling Elite'. Most critical is that ALL energy company executives, United Nations, World Leaders contact Duncan today to fly him to debrief world with press conferences on HOW to rebuild all world economies now owned BY all our people.
Wed Aug 27, 2018. Almost FREE 100% green hydro-electric power = Free massive storage (battery) of GOD's water energy destroys the fossil Fuel OPEC family crime dynasties forever and replaces all Stock Market broker crimes with simple answer methods of kBitCoins.ORG worth mega Trillions of real Assets and cash, our peole now own and control all markets and infrastructure as UNIocracy.ORG replaces all forms of Governments and Corporations whose only focus is enslaving our people with corruption and privacy CyberCrime Terrorism. GodSendKeith.ORG is your fore-founding father keynote crusader gifting ALL crime assets back to YOU, my most beloved people. Personally take these answers to Intl News Media and top GOV leaders to COMMAND them all to take ACTION.
Monday, July 30, 2018. Everyone contact Pres Walter Brown at CLICK:
All mining companies now go GREEN hydro generation Energy=Power Free water distribution to our people. No more poverty as prices of gold and silver crash once prevents ALL stock market crime manipulation by Brokers, Bankers, and USA-Europe crime dynasties. All engineers + inventors of true merit now become Intl Heroes for showcasing HOW to UNIFY mankind UNIocracy.Org SolutionManifesto. is revolutionary in STOPPING all illegal mining and RESTORING green energy as all mining companies become Mega Power construction hydro Generation providers with FREE mega tons of water. My teams are world famous Energy experts who convert old practices to infrastructure OWNEd and controlled BY our people. Massive reduction in Climate Change occurs with related as FOSSIL fuels no longer need and MINING becomes ONLY for base raw materials iron ore and other mass production elements. Cell 9173354300. Please contact Dr. Walter Brown and ask HIS companies to FLY me back to MANILA for hosted press conferences as world can see these are the ONLY answers to solve each WORLD conflict issues forever.. You are in SAME building as Dr. Brown so WALK up to top floor and ask him to CONTACT my world changing teams today...
Wed July 17, 2018 10 am is new World saving Debriefing of DOA Water Soil Management Director Angel Enriquez at Visayes Ave corner of Elliptical Circle, Diliman Quezon City Manila Philippines. International Press Conferences MUST OCCUR. These would have happened back in Oct 2011 if anyone had actually completed ANY of these world save changing solutions. Typhoon Henry has flooded the roads today. Average waterfall is 4000 mm = 4 meters = 13 feet total in this Paradise of E.D.E.N. The greatest energy of GOD’s world is stored H20 at highest elevations. No more flooding anywhere including delta coastal cities. Almost free terra Watts of Energy on demand with hydro-generation plants owned BY, FOR, and OF our people. Free Irrigation, commercial, residential water mega trillions of gallons are also controlled and managed BY people known as UNIONISTS. Reforest of all denuded lands is easy with giant bamboo, sugar cane, pine trees, sugar palms, coconuts, grasslands of wheat, cotton, peanuts, potatoes, and ground cover that eliminates all erosion and criminal mining operations. Now all mining companies are the DAM Mining companies as they profit by converting strip mining craters into small self contained reservoirs that are all interconnected with downstream piping for gravity fed hydro drip irrigation and commercial use. Waste Water Management is now compressed down to elimination of almost all waste at the source. Commercial use of water is now restricted to any company that produces toxic waste water. Mega BILLIONS of $$$ in new small businesses owned and controlled economy BY our people.
Contact Philippine Director BWSM Angel Enriquez. At (632)-929-8186, 923-0462, 923-0454, cell (63) x918-936-7147. Edith is Administrator working with USEC Ariel Cayanan Dept of Agriculture under Secretary Manny Pinol who personally knows our crusader Teams from 2016, March 16, 2018 revisit July 13, 2018.
Barangay 666 office # is 484-5042 as I have ordered USA GOV and everyone to contact and COME FIND ME for now 8 very long years of most productive strategic creating of your new World society. Actually since Aug 1976 N.C.S.U. Computer Science, microelectronics university degree in Raleigh N.C. graduated Dec 1981 to present reality.
No excuses. International Press Conferences MUST occur to education our people on eVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE SolutionHousing.ORG resulting in UNIocracy.ORG and Keith Duncan
July 18, 2018 Most critical Dept of Agriculture + Water Soil Commission debrief meeting happened. International Press Conferences should have occurred year 2010 if anyone with authority had actually done required follow-up and contacting world Leaders to command them to use these world saving ordained divined answer solution methods to massive reduce all poverty and associated cyber crime family dynasties.
June 22, 2018 Critical for all to read/watch this entire page and take ACTION to save our world from criminal greed. The Video shows of and those at below Slide Show gallery of this historic home Page are truly revolutionary in pure nature. These answers are worth TRILLIONS for your new world society of all small business owners of all middle class. These eliminate all crime dynasties and politics that are killing GOD's created Earth. Use to protect the most progressive and revolutionary scripted answers to PREVENT almost all crimes in the first place to RESTORE total Social Justice and Equality in record time by GOING PUBLIC direct to PRESS and top level world leaders.
With world use of this revolutionary = evolutionary answer solution, our 7.6 billion people now collectively own and manage their own power and water generation, distribution, and metered usage services and products. No more stock market pirce fixing, no more mega family dynasties, no more government tariff and regulatory throttling (constriction) laws and red-paper tape political conspiracies that drive the price of basic water and energy to times 10 of the cost to produce. The mining companies become 'DAM' mining companies as we all use the most efficient architecture engineering 'invented' methods to SOLVE our own preadory greed issues at all levels. YES, the 'powers that be' who control our marketplaces will be madder than Satan's Hell, that our people now control and manage all aspects of their own communities with free trade and travel with single Intl ID of FOIA.ONE.
The most powerful Green Energy Renewable Reserve from Gods creation is WATER and SUN. The most obvious solution to create almost unlimited energy is simple yet has never been harnessed because of the pure greed and lack of education of mankind. Rainfall, typhoons, hurricanes, basic rainfall is now easily stored as the most massive transfer quad-Trillions of pounds of potential energy turned into working kinetic power. This one famous solution series gifted by ONE single Man of Humanity Duncan known as now creates new paradigms of history creating thousands of new Storage Lakes, Ponds, and massive redistribution of energy reserves to be owned and managed BY my-our 7.6 billion people. A horrific # of world population live near the coast in major slum cities. Read the PDF files above showcasing the statistics of why this one international solution changes the course of human history by mass migration of billions of our people to higher elevations once they own their own energy hydroelectric and have almost free access to unlimited fresh water for safe consumption and mass irrigation.
Now we have Free Renewal Hydro Electric power and Irrigation/Drink Water systems owned BY, FOR, and OF our people so that no corporate dynasties, corrupt executives or governments can ever wage $$$ wage because of
Now our world becomes driven 50 to 80% of hydro-generation that eliminates fossil fuel wars (oil, Natural Gas, coal ,and other burned organic sources of energy that are the root man made disaster destruction of our current greed laden world.
All new 1000's of creative all digital communities will have 3 prime sources of water piping distribution of 'pure-drinking', household building use, and commercial industrial agricultural use. 4 Prime sources of waste water is 'Black water -polluted', gray water (wash, basic residential use), special contaminated water, and storm sewer run-off capture and distribution systems.
Once our world has the most basic infrastructure of almost free power and water, we unload the mega slum cities and return billions of our people back to higher elevations to create new world society communities (E.D.E.N.) when free trade and travel is the unified normalized world when crime and politics are no longer tolerated or allowed.
Contact Lino Diamente, Universal Techno Piping Corp south of Manila Philippines +(63)02-872-7634. Email is Keith Duncan's evangelist crusader teams work with this wonderful industry experts to create 1000's of new water sourcing and distribution systems as top world advisor on business processes and supply chain dynamics. -With use of standard unified Smart Smoke Detectors, our world 'fire codes' and safety standards eliminate the man made disasters caused by poverty and political corruption once and forever. Use of thermoplastic fire sprinkler piping systems (refer: BlazeMaster Fire Protection systems Atlanta.PH Atlanta Industries Manila Philippines prime Pipe manufacturer) allows fast retrofit of existing residential, commercial, office, government, and warehouse factories to prevent the tragedies that occur BECAUSE simple common sense engineering is not utilized. Use World Evangelists to educate our world.
The PRIME requirement is to activate all master civil engineers, Academic Experts, all World Leaders, architects, and other engineers and related experts to make this prime solution become your new world society mainstream unified method of conducting integrity based business contracts that are open public accountable by our world.
Contact and Contract Duncan today. Manila (63)x917-335-4300 office/home at 417 United Nations Av, Ermita Manila 1/2 block north USA Embassy as keith broadcasts to world to TAKE ACTION by protecting and debriefing his Crusader teams.
Enemies of the People and Gov State are the criminal network enterprises who REFUSE to surrender because they have already captured massive percentage of God + your wealth by the crime methods solved and prevented by most humble keith. Fly his teams to your places of greatest needs so we can collectively fill stadiums with World Leaders of UNIocracy.ORG New World Society.
Contact Engineer Harry Freires Schytech Enterprises in Manila (632) 562 9152. (63)906-233-8486, or (63)x920573-1624, Gloria Reyes Civil Engineer His patented water filtration plants and waste water treatment systems are state of the art for all new Communities worldwide. Book his teams TODAY to travel to your nation to be keynote speaker and master design engineer consultant to build thousands of new Fresh Water filtration and waste water management plants that solve the worst crisis of contaminated and inadequate water supplies that have always been the death toll of nations. As part of Philippine Inventors Association (Ermita), his water conversion methods are easy to replicate with his consulting teams to finally create fresh water trillions of gallons for our world to provide the true most powerful energy natural resources of GOD's creation. His teams travel to your World Leaders and Corporations to quickly educate HOW to build fresh water production plants and waste water management facility infrastructure that is owned FOR, BY, and OF all our 7.6 billion people.
Contact Robert Marin (Manila) (63) x920-969-4930 as his consortium is funding 24kmeter Sea Dyke barrier to create fresh water Manila Lake Bay by drain pumping 2 meters of seawater out. Ships will traverse on the tides through Panama style locks. +20 new shipping ports will be built all over Philippines with railroads and high speed express ways owned BY our Philippine People. Worth over $50 BILLION USD in economic rebuild of entire SouthEast Asia. + SolutionSafeWater.ORG is Total Energy Independence from All Governments, Corporations, OPEC, Stock Markets as WE the PEOPLE, now own and control all our own cooperative Hydro Generation water reclamation, storage, and distribution systems of both WATER and ENERGY. Click: for World Destruction documentary when OIL goes dry. By default, this destroys all the Energy Wars and political corruption (cyber crime) conducted by criminal networks known as 'The Criminal Ruling Elite'. Most critical is that ALL energy company executives, United Nations, World Leaders contact Duncan today to fly him to debrief world with press conferences on HOW to rebuild all world economies now owned BY all our people.
WE the PEOPLE now own all infrastructure and our own land, homes, free schools, medical centers, village centers, markets, transportation (roads, rail-roads, transport systems, air travel) that peer pressure forces all governments and large corporations to massive downsize and return ownership of GOD's original natural resources back to YOU, my people. The PRIME requirement is for world to Contact Keith Brent Duncan who is your #1 anti-all crime keynote speaker of ultimate righteousness and social peace justice in world history based on the #1 most prolific consummate mastermind broadcast solving methodology to teach our world how to be all middle class small business owners. Driven by EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE SolutionHousing.ORG and all other answers, we own all infrastructure as fearless people protecting the rights of all others first.
Direct funding of first 90% of $1 Billion USD is the 1% seized criminal assets reported to, Interpol, FBI, AG, IRS and other law enforcement agencies as recorded in World of Congress Library FOIA.ONE (copyrighted intellectual Property of INC)
Trillions of $$$ assets are transferred from seized criminal assets to direct fund one way construction engineering and raw materials and labor to build these new systems that are now owned, controlled, and managed by our communities of
Once in place, every citizen belonging to the new Cooperative Energy Associations will receive equal allocations of free energy and water. Excess usage will be at rates set by peer using method of eVOTE.ONE. These two World saving solution answers are worth mega Trillions $$ in New, almost free Energy + Water conservation and generation that destroy all national energy war and dynasties forever. Contact Public + all Governments and Corporations today to use consult services with UNIocracy.ORG + Send his Crusader teams to your places of greatest needs. Contact Presidents, DOJ, DOD, FBI, Interpol, Congress + Press !!! as these +Nobel Peace Prize contenders are #1 Humanity-God Rights Activist Evangelist Broadcast Journalist, Author, world class Inventor of EVote.ONE FOIA.ONE from INC.
This one massive energy reduction solution system solves the Global Climate Change and eliminates all economic crime networks. Watch, then contact all Dept of Energy, Governments, Press, Churches, Power Companies,, Manufacturers, and Public immediately to use World Changing ministries. Everyone now uses to masterTeach solve ANY of your world issues.
Our world infrastructure and assets are now OWNED by you, my UNIocracy.ORG citizens of true merit integrity as all crime networks are eliminated with
Use by GOING to PRESS and all top GOV officials as stops all wars and transfers all nuclear arms production to new Nuclear fission/fusion free power plants owned BY and FOR our +7.666 billion People. Never another ENERGY WW Civil war as energy prices are now 10% of current Use all of + are the worlds most powerful Clearinghouse Consultants of world problem only Solutions for our entire world to remove all Political Criminals and prevent almost all crimes in the first place. As soon as this Website GOES PUBLIC with Press Conferences, all 7.6 Billion of my-our people will OWN our almost free clean water systems. Over 10 Million New Small Business owners use to create their own self-governed 100% green creative full digital communities they OWN all their own land, homes, and all infra-structure.
Dead cold silence for 10 years from ALL shows Holocaust of AntiChrist origins. WHY? It's the WHAT's in this for ME original primal syndrome of yes, PURE GREED and self-entitlement interests that started with story of Adam and Eve. Just WHY did GOD tell his people NOT to eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and Wisdom? Does not really make sense. EXCEPT, GOD wanted mankind to See and Understand WHY GOD had created them.. to be OBEDIENT and Trustworthy to each other and NEVER to take anyone from another without express permission..... I put this on and others to showcase WHY I am HERE and WHO YOU ARE with FOIA.ONE perfected in my FatherGod's Holy name. keith duncan
+8 -> 41 years ago, these only answer methods copyright intellectual property gifted and sent to world through DOE, Mass Media, direct to PRESS, all governments and Public. Dead silence for +10 years because of ZERO mass publicity that is your responsibility as all mankind benefits in the name of our Holy Father GOD. A man can only be called a Father if he creates offspring legacies that fearlessly protect the rights of all others. The same is true of all mothers + women.. These solutions change world history for the immediate and downstream effects to prevent collapse of nations because of the economic compiled damage caused directly by criminal networks who want depletion of God's natural resources so they can dominate a poverty stricken world who looses their access to effectively free energy. These are Worthy of Nobel Peace Prizes for the Quad Trillions USD/EURO/RMB/Peso/etc economic benefits to all of mankind based on massive reduction of greed and wars for Oil, Gas, Coal.
DUTERTE, Press, World Leaders + DENR, DOE, NAI, Forest Management, NBI, IM, and thousands more have been most humbly and powerfully GIFTED these mega BILLION USD/EURO new small biz CEOSPACE.NET industries owned and run cooperatively BY our people. No more monopoly dynasties or 'water-wars' over GOD's most precious life gifting resource that is also the #1 POWER SOURCE of kinetic energy when stored in thousands of small lakes and ponds at higher elevations. Now we all have local free hydro Power and free irrigation water to reforest our planet including Brazil rain forest. All Mining Companies become 'DAM' builders with the waste processed soil that kills our river systems. This now prevents downstream Delta (New Orleans) flooding and eliminates needs for levees and billions of $$$ wasted resources because we SOLVE the ROOT issue at the SOURCE, never at the destination when the BILLIONS of $$$ damages occur. Contact Regina Lopez ABS-CBN Quezon City, Manila to ask her DIRECTLY WHY her ego is stuck up her nose like so many others... who refuse to fearlessly protect the rights of all others. She ?might be one of my new wives.
This one website is valued + $50 Billion USD in direct profit for any group to license these intellectual property copyrighted designs. In addition, Direct funding from trillions of $$$ crime assets rebuilds all public schools and creates new self sustaining and self governing villages worldwide using and SolutionISLAM to create final world wide. A newer Safe Water video is shown to world as anyone/everyone GOES PUBLIC and contacts Keith Duncan immediately.
June 6, 2016. Previous Dec 27, 2014 SolutionSafeWater.ORG solves the #1 problem of all humanity, clean safe drinking water.
Solution Safe Water started in year 2010 as a patent pending design for a solar powered water distillation still. Think of the image of an original Moonshine Still located directly under a satellite dish coated with reflective aluminum sheeting.
The boiler unit is fed gray, polluted, diseased, and ‘CRAP’ water. With direct sunlight focused on the steam unit, this water is progressively turned into vapor that rises through a series of piping and condenser domes that are inverted over the main dish. The resulting vapor condenses into droplets that are feed off to cisterns. The left over residue is gravity feed to waste containers with option of a mechanical scrapper to remove hardened waste products.
The only kind of water that could not be processed easily is radioactive water. Any chemist and distillation expert can see the TRILLIONS of USD/EURO/PESO/YEN/etc value to any country that has limited access to clean safe drinking water. Even salt water is easily desalinated.
The over riding question the world is now asking is ‘HOW IN HELL (gentile speak) can the #1 Renaissance man who works on behalf of GOD and ALL nations. how can HE be subjected to so many CRIMES against HUMANITY and still be providing humanity with these GIFTS called ACTS of WISDOM.
For details, simply go to UNIocracy.ORG that ties into #1 ANTI-CORRUPTION Then go to matrix for SolutionBankFraud that prevents ALL cyber crime bank fraud transactions at the time of each transaction. These are worth Quad-Trillions in economic benefit to our world. Let’s start using the coined phrase GOD-ZILLIONS’ for any scholar and even kindergartners can see these are all part of the most powerful ‘ground swell, grass roots, REFORMATION MOVEMENT in all of history. For the basics are:
1. Common Sense -This clearly is elusive + avoided by most of mankind. Matthew Chap 23.
2. Biblical principals that transcend any and all denominations and spiritual belief systems.
3. Use of off-shelf technology and process methodology that is now main-stream reality.
All of these GIFTS to HUMANITY are derived from +35 years extreme consulting experience in the Computer Systems Design arena as a PRIME ARCHITECT, servant to multiple churches around the world, and Keith Duncan’s love of all mankind regardless of their own CRIMES against HUMANITY, viceful conduct, and ability to a) Rape b) Pillage c) Plunder d) Abuse GOD’s borrowed assets by taking advantage of HIS/MY People.
BBK20141227SolutionSafeWater#149-UNiocracy.pdf on
This one answer solves CLIMATE CHANGE + forever, stops all energy wars forever, reforests our world, provides safe water for new agriculture. and moves 90% of our +7.7 billion people to inhabit the rest of GOD's Forest world to unload the slums of our world.
The perfected answer is shown in safe PDF above + below. The worlds most massive energy reserve is quad-trillions of pounds rainfall that are easy to harness with the single solution whitepaper synopsis below. Note: Most of our world have the attention spans the size of a gnat as few every do any required follow-ups and Press Conferences that change world history.
### For Immediate Press Release to the World.
SolutionSafeWater.ORG Robert Marin Inventor has more details.
June 6, 2017 for ASEAN Energy Conference ADB. Manila. This is previous solution broadcast to world years ago that changes history. Updated Aug 7, 2017 at
Contact Master Inventor world evangelist Keith Duncan for Debrief and travel bookings. Use to save our world today.
The most powerful Green Energy Renewable Reserve from Gods creation is WATER and SUN. The most obvious solution to create almost unlimited energy is simple yet has never been harnessed because of the pure greed and lack of education of mankind. Rainfall, typhoons, hurricanes, basic rainfall can be easily stored and harnessed as the most massive transfer quad-Trillions of pounds of potential energy turned into working kinetic power. This one famous solution creates new paradigms of history as entire world of my people benefit.
A primary world issue is deforestation of our world, massive burning of fossil fuels, energy military wars, flooding, food production, and scarcity of clean drinking water. Beavers have built dams and fish farms for millennium. We have Bulldozers, back-hoes, and massive earth moving technology over past +200 years. Concrete and piping are commodities including baked clay and other methods of diverting aquaduct water to prevent erosion, flooding, and mass man made disasters.
When these answer-solutions go public, all mining companies worldwide will be known as DAM Mining companies as they now build hydro-electric safe water ponds and lakes in unoccupied valleys for use as irrigation and other crop-energy uses. Draining these lakes during droughts-dry season provides on demand power, killing the electric monopolies solved by and returning power and ownership of all lands BACK to our+7 billion people. See driven by and for world to USE with ACTS of WISDOM to fearlessly protect the rights of all my people. Who joins, funds, and actually supports these world saving ministries to overturn all crime cabal networks forever..
Direct funding of all world projects is easy with these answers as GOD's resources are being held in criminal hands. Each person who identifies a criminal gets 10% bounty reward of crime assets. Keith's ministry groups get 1% of all crime assets.
The energy of quad-trillions of gallons of water fall on God's earth annually. In the upper mountains and foothills, man must now contour plow and divert this massive energy to be stored in unoccupied valleys using small earthen dams and concrete spillways. Well over 70% of all regional water can now be stored as potential energy at the highest elevations thereby reducing all flooding at lower levels. Now, hydroelectric and irrigation powered water is accessed in previously uninhabited areas. Abundant water is now used for fish farms, vegetables, fruits, pine/hardwood tree farms and sugar Palm (tree) plantations. This repopulates our world away from the mega congested slum cities of our world as ALL BENEFIT except the criminal tycoons who control our economics at all levels of society.
These new 'GREEN DIGITAL Creative villages' are now OWNED by the people as power self-regulated and self-managed communities that are independent of the mega power criminal enterprises that have only motive to suck the profit assets out of our people by holding them hostage to their own growing power appetites driven by consumer capitalism. This destroys the stranglehold of mega developers and BANKSTERS who criminally profiteer on the uneducated masses of my 7.5 Billion People.
If anyone in our world has a BETTER SOLUTION, then PLEASE, STEP UP and GO PUBLIC to save our world from the greed and predatory destruction of the Criminal Ruling Elite. Objections are always welcome as long as you PROVIDE the replacement and best solution. That is that also transforms and UNIFIES mankind.
Jan 12, 2018 historical Visits to Gina Lopez ABS-CBN, then Forest Director Nonito Tamayo, now DENR Sec Cimatu to show HOW this mega billion new enterprises benefit all 7.5 B of my people. All elected officials get huge boost in pay Evote.ONE as everyone GOES to World Leaders and PRESS to command Press Conferences that free my people from the slave trading hostageForProfit of the criminal ruling elite dynasties. All 100% positive in our FatherGod's Holy name as everyone benefits except the criminals.
The biggest 'crime' this entire +10 years is few are ever in their offices or do any follow-up of merit to engage and solve our world prime conflict wars and issues.
Nov 3 2017 + Aug 8, 2017 Historical personal revisist to ABS-CBN Foundation Regina Lopez (I have her personal Cell #), Atty Allan and Patrician Val on HOW this changes world history with EVOTE.ONE Funding to transform all mining companies into DAM hydro project energy producers as the price of precious metal markets will fall worldwide with that destroys all stock market speculation and insider criminal SEC trading forever.
July 25, 2017 I am actively contacting DOE, Regina Lopez of ABS-CBN (former DENR commissioner), mining companies, mega developers SMDC, Luke Roxas, Robinsons Holdings, President Duterte, Microsoft, USA GOV, PWC, and world to FOCUS everyone NOW on the fast path solutions that few have discovered and utilized that benefit yourself as well as all mankind. No other solution set has ever changed world history because of man's predatory greed and ability to enslave others with political and military domination. This is answer solutions.
Contact Robert Marin (63) 920-969-4930 on the $5 Billion USD almost funded Manila Bay Tidal Dam & freshwater Reservoir conversion project. The Marcos 1986 EDSA billions of $$$ recovery is directly involved in other aspects to restore GOD's paradise of Heaven back at all impoverished nations.
Aug 7, 2017 real time reporting at PH-EITI Extractive Transparency Initiatives. Details on the BBK20170807-Revolution-SolutionSafeWater-Begins-1045.pdf as soon as everyone crowd funds restoration of these world saving ministries completed +7 years ago. Finance Sec Carlos Dominguez chairs the multi-stakeholder group of call (0915)7316470 has the details Press Releases.
EVOTE.ONE and are HOW to transfer trillions of $$$/EURO/Peos/etc from crime cabal networks back to our 7.5 billion people to create all middle class with zero poverty and NO super criminal ruling elite families. Ask Keith how.
Tripartite Climate Change Speaker Presentations May 29, 2017
244 Participants were just emailed the most CRITICAL answers to Energy on June 7, 2017 along with UnderSecretary Felix Fuentebella at Philippine DOE. + Patrick Aquino Feb 17, 2017 meet.
June 17, 2017 Thousands of civil engineers, architects, and millions of small biz owners are now needed to build new Philippine Green Digital Creative Cities that are self-regulated and off the monopoly power grid. Kicking out foreign investors who do not profit the people results by inviting expats from all tax-war torn corrupt nations to come as permanent residents. Here will be extremely low taxes and almost zero corruption of that was broadcast +7 biblical years ago.
Fund Keith today to find out HOW... EVOTE.ONE transfers trillions of $$ back to our 7.5 billion people once our people RISE up to destroy all crime networks forever.
Send MISSION Teams with Millions of $$$ to direct fund + oversee build of new green digital villages, schools, hospitals that Bypass all political graft back pocket red tape conspiracies. Use and Contact INTERPOL to make true
1. Crowd Fund with mega millions obtained from wealthy donors/churches/NGOs.
2. Mission teams purchase all bidded materials and deliver to sponsored villages.
3. Priority rebuild: a) schools with wifi, TVs, smart phone/tablets/used laptops.
b) Church repair and new planting of universal worship centers.
c) Common government offices, health centers, and marketplaces. Rebuild Gyms.
d). Replace all 'blown' bamboo houses on higher ground with poured concrete block, rebar, hollow block, etc to prevent all future wash-outs and home/school damage.
e). Repave all common roads and areas to eliminate mud and obstacles to freedom.
Hosting by local churches and Integrity driven leaders who represent FatherKeith.
Contact PRESS, Churches, and as well as Pastor Andy Stanley (Atlanta GA USA at or +1(678)892-5625 direct. GO PUBLIC to UNIFY all Mankind.
Contact Atlanta GA (770)410-6000, North American Mission Board prime resources. Charlie Paparelli of and all who JOIN
This integrity ties to for Direct Funding of TRILLIONS $$$.
Contact all Dept of Education, Universities, NGOs, Press, world as Keith has done.
Click: THIS PLAYLIST and send to everyone you know. Watch and tells Education has always been the prime key to create self-regulating and self-contained communities of where the needs of the children are placed above all other priorities. Without strong self reliant youth, mankind becomes dependent on the corrupt elected/appointed/promoted government agents who skim tax dollars while building their own kingdoms of tyranny and crime gluttony at citizens expense. + provides immediate self directed training to teach everyone how to build foundation small businesses with ethical based contracts to ensure fully enforceable compliance by agreements between parties.
The most clear cut solutions are on, viewed on and documented by Library of World Congress using 1. Common sense, 2. Integrity(spiritual) principals, 3. Off-shelf technology. 4. Innovated and gifted world class solutions from World Trading Partner Enterprises INC (Reno Nevada USA).
Wechat: BuiltByKeith, Philippines cell +(63) 917-335-4300. "NEVER BY SHY AGAIN."
"Be BOLD and Righteous in everything you do in service to all others" CreatorKeith

Engage all your community with master model to ensure your neighborhood is built with honest and ethical persons who represent your best interests and rights of ownership.
> Events held on scheduled days.
> Publicity of public documents
> Advertising of priority needs.
> Exposure of honest vs corrupt persons.
> Full disclosure of funding sources and expenses for the public to see and believe.
> Launch of community initiatives by the Majority Will of the People.
> General Publicity with technology.
> Holding everyone accountable with
With integrity, trust, full scale accountability, and exposure of your daily efforts to support your community and other greatest places of needs. describes the Crimes against Humanity and Keith's missions of mercy and faith around our world as the #1 Sovereign Ambassador Emissary working for all governments, corporations, churches, public, and military around our globe at his own extreme expense since USA Government refuses to actually 'DO THEIR JOBS'. Join today before our world commits self-genocide of predatory greed. is Babayuan Elementary School, Amulung Philippines. They need your immediate funding support and help.
Watch the VIDEO below, then CLICK on this second broadcast series:
CLICK: Immediate Needs of Schools. Video
CLICK: #276 The Final Broadcast.
Email Attn: School Leaders and Ms. Mallillin. They need funding and direct technology donations of minimum value $10,000 USD = 440,000 Pesos to buy technology for 78 students. The deposit only bank account will be listed here soon and managed by newly elected community leaders with personal committments to this school. They need basic Satellite DSL-Internet service, used laptops, recycled smart cell phones, cooling fans, full wall whiteboards, (5) Flat Screen TV's, basic school supplies, simple security system with motion detectors, and an electric fence system so they can start Student Gardens. Their government has promised 6 new computer that have never arrived. This is a five year old commUNITY school with 6 teachers. All donators will be listed here as well as video/photo email and live updates on how their funding and assets are actively being used by all students. This is the model of how schools must be funded to BY-PASS the corruption of so many publically elected officials until is seen by the world as the ONLY solution to forever stamp out corrupt individuals to the end of time. See USA

The product launches are your own children who are self reliant by age 16 and lead our world into Peace and Harmony by REPLACING all corrupt leadership by eVoting of . Contact Keith or his growing millions of business partners and stockholders of World Trading Partner Enterprises INC (Reno Nevada USA) to ask how this occurs with Keith's Master Teachings that will survive to the end of eternity.
Sunday April 5, 2015 was return from Walk to Emmaus-Nickopolis-Latrum in Israel. Video on and including final return to JerUSAlem, then the Roman Empire Crime Centers of ROME Vatican Empires of 1500 A.D. era on exactly April 6-16, 2015. It is simple to see that Keith Duncan works for all of humanity and our one mutual Creator regardless of cultural beliefs. After being set up by a Super criminal, put in HELL for 848 days violating each and every right, Keith Duncan has always bypassed every crime into a published solution to prevent these crimes from occurring in the first place. This transforms all legal and financial systems as soon as the churches, Press News Media, and Public are engaged to actively join in through chapters of faith.
A recent partner Ministry is Emmanuel Jongo in Sierra Leone. Click: +(231)8861-81809 cell. They need immediate funding, physical gifted resources, and partners to educate orphans, provide self-sufficient businesses for widows, disabled, and impoverished as +450,,000 people (mostly men) were killed 1987 through 2003 in 2 bloody civil wars over pure GREED. Click reference
Click: WorldSchoolFund Playlist.
Click: #275 Combo WSF + #25 is Wash the Sin out of Washington Broadcast May 1, 2014 Famous Interview.
The #1 Marketing Campaign of all time was completed Sept 2011 per all these Solutions published and gifted to all of mankind. Pick and choose while watching and technology compressed
Why You Need To Be Social To Win
Without publicity, the greatest needs of our world will never be fullfilled without your help. and other prime world class solutions show the world how to solve their own issues, concerns, problems, and conflicts at all levels by removing all corrupt persons with world famous Aug 17, 2015
The world will never stop talking about you ! Either you are honest and trust-worthy or you are to be shunned by society with under UNIocracy.ORG + using